DEPICT LAB – Technology based on human conditions
DEPICT LAB is a laboratory where scientists can visualise and analyse human behaviour using the latest technology in the field. The measuring equipment makes it possible to study human behaviour and subconscious cognitive processes.
A large part of the equipment in the lab is mobile and can be used in both lab and industrial environments. Studies have already been done in a control room environment, for example at process operators in mines and among staff in a train control center.
The biometric measurements used are:
- Electroencephalography ( EEG ) - a method for recording the spontaneous electrical activity of the cerebral cortex using electrodes
- Electromyography ( EMG ) - a method for measuring the response of the muscles to stimulation from the nervous system.
- Skin conductance ( GSR) - to measure the skin's electrical conductivity.
- Equipment is also available for measuring the heart's electrical activity, eye movements and people's facial expressions.
The lab is an important resource at national level to combine different measurement methods. Through a system that can talk to all sensors at the same time, surveys can be tailored to most situations where people's experiences are to be studied.
Research Cooperation
The equipment is used by researchers and students within, for example, technology development, marketing and behavioural science, but also enables new interdisciplinary meetings with other universities and companies. Contact us if you want to know more about DEPICT LAB or cost calculations when you do research applications.
The DEPICT lab is financed by the Kemp Foundation and the lab fund at Luleå University of Technology with SEK 2.6 million.
In DEPICT Lab it is possible to perform experiments with different types of equipment, such as video, eye-tracking and biometric measurements (EEG, EMG, ECG, GSR). All sources can be synchronised and used for quantitative experimental research.
By using the iMotions software we have a lab where we can synchronise, visualise and analyse our human behaviour research. We can combine and synchronise stimuli with different types of data such as multiple view video recording, facial expression analysis, eye-tracking and biometric measures (EEG, EMG, ECG, GSR).
Technical Equipment
The laboratory consists of:
High end EEG 64-channels
One brain products, actiCHamp 64 channel with actiCap active electrodes.
Brain Vision recorder software and Analyser 2 analysis software.
Mid range EEG 10-channels
An ABM- B-Alert X10 is a wireless mid range EEG system which delivers a balance of functionality and simplicity.
Prototype EEG system 8-channels
Five OpenBCI EEG systems (Cyton Biosensing Board and Ultracortex Mark IV EEG Headset) is an Open Source EEG system used for prototype studies, by students and for the development of applications and products that uses EEG-data.
Wearable eye trackers
Two pairs Tobii Pro Glasses 2 with integrated videocamera for capturing natural viewing behaviour in any real-world environment.
Screen based eye tracker
eye trackers for capturing the gaze point, timing and duration of fixations.
Two Tobii Pro X2-30 and one Eye Tech VT2-XL for large screens.
VR Headset med Eye tracking
Varjo VR-1, a VR-headset with high resolution and eye tracking. And one HTC Vive Pro Eye..
Six Shimmer EMG units provide a representation of the muscle activity at the measurement site; the unit can also be utilised to monitor ECG (Electrocardiogram), recording the pathway of electrical impulses through the heart muscle.
Six Shimmer 3 GSR+ units for capturing the Galvanic Skin Response (measuring the electrical conductance of the skin)
Facial Expression Analysis
The Affectiva integrated Facial expression module in iMotion, helps to visualise all emotion and facial channels synchronised with the stimuli on a timeline.
Courses and Workshops
DEPICT LAB holds both workshops and education both at basic and at research level.
- FOR Introduction to biometrics research . PhD student course for the introduction of using tools and methods to collect and analyse biometric data.
- Introduction to DEPICT LAB, a brief introduction to using software and hardware in the lab
- DEPICT DEMO , a short introduction of what you can do in the lab, what hardware and software is available and what kind of analyses and experiments you can carry out.
Are you interested in the courses contact Peter Törlind.
Are you interested in conducting an experiment, booking the lab or attend a study visit, please contact
Security in the Depict lab
To access the lab, you need to go through an introductory course. There is also a web-based course if you need to learn a little more about iMotions software.
As a researcher, you also need to have completed the basic GDPR training to use the lab.
For each project, you should develop a data management plan, ie a plan for how your data should be collected, how it should be used, and how it should be distributed and archived.
As a teacher and student, there is also a resource page on Canvas and modules that can be copied into specific courses.
Current projects
Distributed Team Innovation
How can we cooperate remotely and how do computer tools affect our collaboration when we work with creative design processes.
TAIDE is a collaborative project with Zagreb University and focuses on co-located and distributed engineering teams and how they adapt to external and internal conditions. The research requires an interdisciplinary approach to understanding, modelling and improving teamwork in development projects.
Study of divergent and convergent thinking
This project is a collaboration between the University of Turin and the Polytechnic of Turin and focuses on understanding how divergent and convergent thinking differs.
Review of 3D CAD models
In this project we compare how different types of media affect the understanding of different representations of 3D models.
Completed projects
Decision making at work applications
How do factors such as typing errors affect a personal letter when you are looking for a job?
Development of self-study modules
This educational development project aims at developing general teaching modules based on theory, me...
How are we affected by effective priming
How can a facial expression affect a subsequent decision?
Effects of active or passive learning of risk communication
Stina Holmbom Ryytty studies candidate in psychology and uses EEG in her degree project. The purpose...