Research projects on Centre for Critical Infrastructure and Societal Security
Current projects
Cybernode: Human aspects
We are already members of the Swedish Cybernode, which was formed in 2020 to create a promising innovation climate for the cyber security industry. The members come from, among other, public actors, business, and universities. Relatively immediately, the need to address human aspects in a specific w...
SUMMATION: Sustainable Autonomous Systems and Solutions
The purpose of the project is to increase SMEs' innovation capacity and use of advanced technologies in their operations. The project's activities include encouraging entrepreneurial processes, learning practices, and methods for advanced technologies. The common challenge that the project will addr...
ISSUES - Information Security and digital Services for sUstainablE designS
The project engages companies and researchers in collaboration to support development and internationalisation through information-secure digital services. The challenge is to bring together user experience and information security in the early development of services, and to improve the usability o...
Completed projects
Generative AI, Digital Resilience, and Civil Preparedness: A knowledge Overview
The study examines how generative AI can impact society’s digital resilience and civil preparedness....
Arctic IoT
Luleå municipality, companies, and researchers cooperate in the project to strengthen the actors' ab...
Working Group on IoT Security
This project is implemented in the form of a working group whose goal is to contribute to IoT Sweden...
Secure information flows with at digital platform for biofuels
The project aims to investigate safety aspects and whether blockchains can be used to meet users' de...
SSiO (Societal development through Secure IoT and Open data)
The purpose of SSiO is to facilitate information access and understanding of information in everyday...