PROFS graduate school
The Graduate School Practice-based Educational Research (PROFS) is a collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, Bodens kommun, Kiruna kommun, Luleå kommun, Skellefteå kommun, and Region Norrbotten.
PROFS started in January 2019 with eight PhD students in the subjects English and Education, Mathematics and Education, Pedagogy, and Swedish and Education. In October 2021, another twelve PhD students were admitted, also including the subjects of Physics, History, and Political science.
The aim of the graudate school is to contribute with knoweldge development in relation to school, pre-school and teacher education. All PhD students within PROFS have research projects that deal with practice-based questions starting in the task of pre-/school, teacher education or the edcuational system as a whole. That is to say, the graduate school has a current direction that can function as a hub in the work with developing practice-based educational research.
Moreover, parts of the PhD students' appointments encompass collaboration with the region through commissioned services. The graduate school PROFS thereby contributes further to strengthen the collaboration between Luleå University of Technology and the schools in the region.
The doctoral school's activities, such as seminars and workshops, also invite other PhD students from the subjects. In this way, a dynamic and comprehensive environment is created for postgraduate education.
Page author: Kontakt