Hydrogen in future steel production
The FINAST project aims to accelerate the green transition and the Swedish steel industry's goal of zero carbon dioxide emissions.
"We will look at how we can best use hydrogen and other bio-based raw materials in future steel production, partly from a process perspective, partly from a societal system perspective" says Jens Hardell, professor of machine elements at Luleå University of Technology.
Since manufacturing changes, the steel can also be affected, so the investment is of great importance in getting to know the material and its properties.
"It is important that we know the material as well as we can before we have produced finished components that are fitted into a car or a bridge. From a security point of view, it is important that we know how it behaves."
A reduction in carbon dioxide emissions is crucial for Swedish industry to achieve the climate goals.
"The project will help the Swedish steel industry achieve zero emissions of carbon dioxide. It is a collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, Swerim and SSAB and it builds competence in individuals who can then become the resources that the industry needs for the green transition. Engineers and specialists with expertise in the field will be crucial to achieving the climate goals."
Jens Hardell
- Professor, Head of Division
- 0920-491774
- jens.hardell@ltu.se
- Jens Hardell