Safer materials for the hydrogen carrier ammonia
The project will develop innovative material technologies for safe storage and transportation of hydrogen in green ammonia.
"Fossil Free Energy Infrastructure” is important to decarbonize the European energy system by 2050. The EU goal to be climate-neutral by 2050, is achievable by bringing renewables and energy surplus to the energy systems", Farid Akhtar says, Professor in Engineering Materials at Luleå University of Technology.
Furthermore, the present pressing situation of the world, due to the dependency on the fossil fuels, has made us realize the urgency and need for the development of technologies to reduce/eliminate our dependency on the fossil fuels.
The proposed project is of great importance for the successful development of the technologies for bringing renewables to energy systems and seasonal energy storage to store surplus energy and then utilize on demand.
The project aims at short/long term renewable energy storage and transport in form of green ammonia, as hydrogen carrier. The project objectives are aligned with the green transformation initiatives and the need for the development of material technologies and chemical engineering in Northern Sweden.
Farid Akhtar
- Professor
- 0920-491793
- farid.akhtar@ltu.se
- Farid Akhtar