Research projects in Creaternity
Current projects
Greenably finds solutions to sustainability challenges and mediates new business opportunities through matching, technology scouting and coaching. Companies and public organsations in Sweden and globally are facing a major transition to achieve the sustainability goals that have been set. They ne...
AlarMM – Sustainable Event Food for the Future
Purpose and Goal: To develop a prototype in the form of a methodology with criteria for sustainable event food and a guide to the procurement process. This will make it easier for meeting organisers, regardless of their prior knowledge and networks in the food sector.
Space Circular Economy: Satellite Reusability and the Impact on Space Sustainability
Sustainable enErgy efficiEnt hybriD compoSites (SEEDS)
Sustainable and economically viable carbon fiber composites.
Sustainable banking
Stabilisation and solidification (S/S) of metal contaminated soil with ash
Industrial activity affects the land under the facility itself, but often also adjacent areas, for example through dusting. Many of these areas have been deemed necessary to clean to reduce risks to human health and avoid negative impacts on the environment. A common measure in Sweden is to excavate...
Norrland Eco-Concrete – Using wood production ash for ecological concrete
In this project, we aim to reduce the use of cement by using wood ash in ecological concrete for lower carbon dioxide emission.
Measuring the environmental impact of business models (TwinWin)
TwinWin is a spin-off from a previous project, SYSTAIN, which developed a method, Business Model Life Cycle Assessment (BM-LCA), which shows the environmental impact of a company's business model. Within TwinWin, we now want to develop that method further and investigate how it enters and works in d...
Sustainable Solid-State Lithium-ion Batteries -SSSLiB
The SSSLiB project provide additional avenues for the use of biomass or waste materials in solid-state lithium-ion batteries and create a systematic database to track material and energy flows from biomass/waste feed stocks to battery recycling, developing fully sustainable solid-state batteries Lit...
Digital twins for sustainable facility management
My research project aims to deepen the understanding of how our decision-making from the design phase and forward affects the circularity of a construction. I plan to develop a digital twin of the campus to study and analyse how its spaces are utilized compared to the actual building from the standp...
Sustainable URban FERtilizer – SURFER (2021-2024)
Within the SURFER project we are contributing with new knowledge for development of safe treatment and recycling of nutrients from blackwater, for production of a sustainable urban fertilizer.
Sustainable and Circular Nuclear Energy through Advanced Materials and Tribology Research (CiNEMaT)
Characterisation, advanced manufacturing and tribological testing of materials to support design of a Swedish GenIV lead-cooled research reactor. The research project is an integrated part of the SUNRISE research centre.
Experimental Mechanics – Digital Twin
Connected industry - Development of tools for real-time interaction Digital twins with physical systems and integrate models based on empirical data
Energy and nutrient local food production (ENSYM)
ENSYM is a project focused in the heat and mass transfer in the concentration of blackwater for production of a sustainable urban fertiliser.
Digital trust and sustainable design of circular services (DiTrust)
More and more in society is done through digital services. They are developed by organisations and companies themselves, sometimes with formal competence, sometimes as self-taught, or the services are purchased from IT companies. The public, in turn, uses e-services of municipalities and authorities...
Circular business – what does it take to contribute to a transition towards a circular economy?
We conduct research that explores and explains how businesses and industries implement circular principles.
Additive manufactured products - towards a digital twin
In this project, the goal is to develop a digital twin for additive manufacturing. The digital twin is a virtual representation of the additive manufacturing process and can be used to ensure the quality of additive manufactured products.
Characterisation of AM components using ultrasound (QCAM)
The goal of the project is to develop methods for non-destructive evaluation of the AM material properties, based on ultrasound measurement.
Unlocking Sustainability in Machining Industry: An Overview of the ToolTrace Project
Are you intrigued by how digital technology can work hand-in-hand with human behaviour to make metalworking more sustainable? Then the ToolTrace Project is right up your alley. This groundbreaking initiative focuses on small and medium-sized businesses in the metalworking industry, aiming to make th...
Water based lubrication for electric vehicle transmission application