Mail, fax and e-mail
All documents received or sent by the University which in any way relate to its activities are considered to be public documents.
It can be anything from written documents in the form of letters or faxes and e-mails to DVD recordings (see the Freedom of the Press Act, Chapter 2, Sections 3, 6 and 7). Posts etc. on social media can also be public documents (see also section 8 of the Guidelines for the use of social media at Luleå University of Technology, dnr 287-12).
- Guidelines for handling incoming and outgoing mail, fax and e-mail
Pdf, 619.8 kB, opens in new window.
Dnr LTU-2297-2013, 2013-11-05
The document is only available in Swedish.
Possibly supplemented with a new guideline for disclosure of public documents.
Information owners
University Chancellery