Secondary employment
The regulations that set out the framework for secondary employment include the Swedish Constitution Act (1974:152), which decrees that everyone is equal before the law, implying objectivity and impartiality, as well as the Swedish Higher Education Act (1992:1434) and the Swedish Public Employment Act (1994:260).
The role of Luleå University of Technology (LTU) includes working together with both industry and society as a whole. Many members of teaching staff, researchers and other employees at LTU have knowledge and expertise that is in great external demand. This means that many employees have secondary employment and are involved in external projects, both within and in addition to their employment at the university, which in turn increases the university’s visibility and involvement in the world around us. However, secondary employment should take into account the regulations that apply in this context.
- Secondary employment (.pdf)
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Dnr LTU-3803-2022 2024-09-23
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