CH2ESS launches report on the Hydrogen Conference 2023
Luleå University of Technology's hydrogen initiative, CH2ESS, recently launched the report on the Hydrogen Conference 2023, presenting conclusions and events from the Hydrogen Conference.
On December 5–6, the Hydrogen Conference 2023 was organized by Energiforsk, Luleå University of Technology CH2ESS, Rise, Vätgas Sverige, Energigas Sverige, and Energiföretagen. The conference aimed to increase knowledge about the role of hydrogen in energy and climate transition through presentations, workshops, and networking. The conference will also be organized in 2024.
Cecilia Wallmark, the executive director of CH2ESS, was also the guest in the January edition of the newsletter about EVs podcast. In the episode, she talks about the Hydrogen Conference 2023, where Luleå University of Technology was one of the organizers.
Highlights from the report:
• What is happening in the Swedish and international hydrogen market
• What is needed for Sweden to continue to be a forerunner
• The mode of hydrogen for road transport
• Hydrogen's potential in the future energy system
• Important and ongoing research questions
The following map is a product of the Swedish hydrogen conference 2023. The collected information was shared by the participants at the conference. The data of the hydrogen refueling stations are from the beginning of 2023. All projects are located by cities, hence the exact location of the projects is not disclosed but instead the closest city to the project location. The map will be updated as more hydrogen projects are announced.
To update or complete the map, feel free to share your information here External link.
The map is used for public educational purposes