History and going forward
CH2ESS is a research and knowledge initiative at Luleå University of Technology focusing on hydrogen utilization in industrial processes and energy systems, in close collaboration with Swedish industry.
At the moment, several important research, innovation and pilot initiatives in the field of hydrogen are taking place in northern Sweden. Our starting point is the real needs and important challenges of our partners and therefore we have a special focus on the major hydrogen initiatives taking place in northern Sweden.
"Hydrogen is the key to a fossil-free energy system and Luleå University of Technology is helping to secure that development in Sweden through groundbreaking research and skills supply. Luleå University of Technology is a strong research and education partner to the Swedish hydrogen industry with the goal of replacing fossil fuels and meeting the global climate transition"
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Vice-Chancellor at Luleå University of Technology
The research initiative takes a holistic approach to the production, storage and transportation of hydrogen and includes process integration and the electric power system. We plan a core of heavy experimental activities in Luleå University of Technology's pilot plant for fuel synthesis, LTU Green Fuels. We also invest in sub-projects that are theoretical or that utilize the advanced lab-scale equipment available at our university, and that are based on the possibilities of digitization.
At Luleå University of Technology, research and education go hand in hand, which means that our research areas are strongly linked to our education - with benefits for society. The large-scale investments in the hydrogen area, not least in northern Sweden, need a large number of civil engineers and other qualified personnel with relevant skills. In collaboration with companies in CH2ESS, we are further developing research and education to match the needs of hydrogen expertise.
Three of the strengths that make Luleå University of Technology a good foundation for a hydrogen center are:
- Experimental strength
- Habit of multidisciplinary collaboration
- Largest proportion of needs-driven research, collaboration with companies and organizations
Achieved goals during CH2ESS first two years
We are now about 150 researchers at Luleå University of Technology working actively with hydrogen.
CH2ESS, the Center for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden, is an actor in hydrogen that supports many with knowledge development and knowledge enhancement. Luleå University of Technology has in a short time been established as one of Sweden's leading universities in hydrogen research since the start of CH2ESS in May 2021. This is noticeable, for example, through requests for joint project applications from other universities and institutes, and through requested advice from, among others, other authorities. CH2ESS is asked to represent the hydrogen issue in various national and international contexts.

The work of CH2ESS is presented focusing on three areas as shown above.
2023 was a successful year for our Center as we set high goals and managed to meet them. CH2ESS has an explicit strategy for collaboration at regional, national, Nordic, European and global level, as illustrated by the selected illustrations for this text. The strategy is to be open to collaboration, which has had a positive outcome through, for example, the invitation to the World Bank's Hydrogen 4 Development project[Cooperates with the World Bank on hydrogen projects in developing countries - Luleå University of Technology (ltu.se)Furthermore, CH2ESS is active in Hydrogen Europe Research and IEA Bioenergy.
Since the start of CH2ESS, a large number of hydrogen-related events have been created and CH2ESS has been hired as speakers and participants, for example together with actors in the regions of Norrbotten and Västerbotten at EU Hydrogen Week.
One steel company, three energy companies, two regions and five municipalities are involved in the CH2ESS steering group. These organizations are H2 Green Steel, Vattenfall, Skellefteå Kraft, Luleå Energi, Region Västerbotten, Region Norrbotten, municipalities/businesses from Boden, Piteå, Luleå, Gällivare and Skellefteå. We have an uncountable number of partners in the various research projects, and more are knocking on the door and want to join.
Increasing number of research projects in hydrogen
Luleå University of Technology's strengths with a high proportion of projects in collaboration with industry, good access to experimental resources and experience of multidisciplinary projects come to its advantage with CH2ESS. The new research projects are based on dialog with need owners, and analysis of priorities for the transition to a more climate-neutral society with increased growth and increased security of energy supply.
Today we have more than 25 research projects in hydrogen at Luleå University of Technology. 9 of these are funded by the university, the so-called seed projects. The total project volume for ongoing hydrogen-related projects at Luleå University of Technology amounts to over 300 MSEK, of which about 2/3 is the budget of participating partners. Four of the university's five departments are involved in existing projects, with the potential for the fifth in healthcare to be included in the future. Many of the projects are carried out in materials technology or energy systems analysis, and it is our ambition and pride that the number of subject areas included is steadily increasing[Participating research groups - Luleå University of Technology, LTU].
Hydrogen in the steel industry is a particular focus within CH2ESS, read for example about the FINAST project. One of the research questions is how steel production that switches to hydrogen should supplement its production with coal. Read about our research in this when Prof. Kentaro Umeki tells: Developing green coal for industry | Luleå University of Technology (ltu.se) External link.
In 2023, Luleå University of Technology has won and started up at least five projects with over 18 MSEK in budget: H2LABS, H2SIPP with 14 partners in the Nordic countries, H2AMN with 11 partners in the Nordic countries, FINAST in collaboration with SSAB and Swerim, and a project for JTF in the steel industry in collaboration with KTH. The largest project is H2LABS, which includes building a test and training facility for a 1 MW electrolyzer at LTU Green Fuels in Piteå, in collaboration with H2 Green Steel, Piteå Energi and Smurfit Kappa. [81 million for hydrogen test facility at LTU Green Fuels - Luleå University of Technology, LTU].
CH2ESS is honored to lead two of the five Nordic Hydrogen Valley projects for Nordic Energy Research: Two hydrogen projects recommended in major call
So far in 2023, the university's researchers have published about 20 research articles related to hydrogen[Publications - Luleå University of Technology, LTU]. Research projects are ongoing in collaboration with a wide range of national and international universities: NTNU, Aalto, Oulo, TU Munich, TU Delft, IIT India, University Iceland, Umeå, KTH and Lund, and with the institutes IVL, Swerim and RISE to name a few.
Hydrogen safety is particularly important to create a safe implementation of hydrogen in new applications. We have several research projects including hydrogen safety, including H2SIPP and FINAST. Hear our Professor Michael Försth give an introduction to the field: Safe and efficient hydrogen infrastructure.
At least two hydrogen-related projects have won money from LTU's Jubileumsfond in 2023: Sofia Larsson in hydrogen flows and Farid Akhtar and Jan Frostevarg on ammonia storage technology[Jubileumfonden's award evening in gold glitter - Luleå University of Technology, LTU]
CH2ESS experts are in demand in various contexts, for example for external reviews of applications, even outside Sweden (eg Norway, EU).

Overview of hydrogen-related research projects at Luleå University of Technology (Research - Luleå University of Technology External link.), with projects along the entire hydrogen value chain and with researchers involved in about 25 different subject areas.
Examples of research results from 2023:
- Rikard Gebart, Professor of Energy Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, has participated in a new EU advisory report, representing the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Academy of Sciences. The report "The future of gas" has been produced under the leadership of the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC), which consists of the national science academies of the EU Member States. The report highlights the opportunities and challenges of the hydrogen society and self-production of hydrogen in Europe.
- The report was well received in Brussels and hopefully it provides a good basis for decision makers in terms of understanding the contribution of European hydrogen to achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2050 and in Sweden by 2045. My contribution has mainly been on the renewable energy technologies being explored in Sweden, but also on the impact of hydrogen on the greenhouse gas balance in case of large leakages. I have also fact-checked some parts of the report," says Rikard Gebart.[The role of hydrogen for gas self-sufficiency in the EU - Luleå University of Technology] - - Using electrolysis, we can produce fossil-free hydrogen on a large scale, but we can also use biomass gasification, something that has been almost completely overlooked so far. We know that the technology has several attractive technical and environmental advantages, such as its robustness and the possibility of negative carbon emissions if carbon capture and storage (CCS) is applied. That the technology also looks economically promising, it is less known and we want to highlight that, says Joakim Lundgren, Professor of Energy Engineering at Luleå University of Technology and Deputy Director of the Center for Hydrogen Energy Systems Sweden, CH2ESS at Luleå University of Technology, who participated in the project. [Forgotten technology for fossil-free hydrogen - Luleå University of Technology]
Examples of research results from 2021 and 2022:
- The feasibility study on hydrogen pipelines for the transportation of hydrogen, across the border from Finland and along long distances in northern Sweden, is completed. The results show that hydrogen pipelines may be needed as a complement to power lines for the industry's large hydrogen and energy needs in northern Sweden. A new type of infrastructure is then emerging that needs more appropriate regulations for ownership and control.
Hydrogen pipelines - a new emerging infrastructure
- Link to publications.
Hydrogen training in demand
One of the more widely discussed barriers to the implementation of hydrogen's benefits and further development is considered to be lack of knowledge and social and political acceptance. As a university, education is of course an important factor to provide to the market in various forms.
In 2023, CH2ESS has launched a free MOOC (massive online open course) in a Swedish and English version[MOOC Hydrogen for the curious: What is hydrogen and why is it important?], and conducted a first hydrogen course for PhD students[Historical hydrogen course for PhD students]. This year, PhD students from four different universities participated and we had a mix of lecturers from Luleå, Oulu, Umeå, Swerim and Lindholmen Science Park, as well as companies with expertise in hydrogen technology. The PhD students' examination task was to write a manuscript or a research application in the selected subject area and the best luck was had by two PhD students from Umeå who were directly granted money for an Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis (AEMWE) cell through their written grant application.
The MOOC course has also been delivered as a MOOC+ with additional instructor-led discussion sessions. Now at the end of 2023, over 500 participants have completed the Swedish and English MOOCs combined, with a satisfaction rating of 4.5 out of 5. Additional course modules in complementary topics are planned, and in particular, a much-needed course in hydrogen safety is under development.
CH2ESS NYS, Network for Young Scientists contributes to the exchange between different disciplines within and outside LTU and is led by the PhD students themselves. Collaboration is currently taking place with Umeå University, Uppsala, the University of Leoben and Chalmers.
Students are attracted by CH2ESS activities, among other things, 80 students attended a pizza evening with H2 Green Steel in September[Hydrogen evening with pizza, lab and H2 Green Steel attracted students - Luleå University of Technology] Both thesis and various project courses have carried out hydrogen-related projects. The number of courses at LTU that have elements of hydrogen is increasing and in 2023, for example, at least six regular courses in energy technology have had this.
Read more here: Education - Luleå University of Technology, LTU
Don't miss the fact that we offer customized assignment training and already an estimated 150 researchers at LTU with a connection to hydrogen are ready for new development adventures.
Appreciated events for knowledge dissemination and addressing barriers
In January 2023, CH2ESS hosted a Nordic hydrogen conference, with 150 participants and with commendable ratings from participants from 10 countries and good media coverage.
Strengthened Nordic hydrogen cooperation

Started the year 2023 with "Building the Nordic hydrogen economy", at Luleå University of Technology, January 2023. An event in collaboration with the Finnish network Both2nia, Swerim, Invest in Norrbotten and RISE that resulted in a jointly developed list of agreements for strengthened Nordic collaboration in hydrogen.
CH2ESS has also been visible in Almedalen 2023[Hydrogen - Sweden continues to be a forerunner ] and 2022 organized a 90-minute video-recorded seminar at Vinnova Sweden Innovation Days that continues to be available and illustrates our regions' working methods and needs for the transition[CH2ESS and partners shared progress and needs with a global audience], and promoted increased national collaborations by organizing the Hydrogen Conference 2023 together with five other actors in Sweden (December) and read how satisfied we were after the implementation for 350 participants:[Sweden is a pioneer in hydrogen ].
In 2023, Region Västerbotten chose to join CH2ESS and already in February, CH2ESS participated in a major event with the question: What place and potential does hydrogen have in Västerbotten?
CH2ESS continuously presents news, and has, among other things, been invited as a speaker at the NATO exercise Nordic Pine. [Hydrogen at the NATO exercise Nordic Pine ]. Nordic Energy Research has chosen to locate the second upcoming Nordic Hydrogen Valley conference in January 2025 to LTU.
Major Nordic hydrogen meeting in Iceland
At events such as EU Hydrogen Week in Brussels with a wide range of actors from northern Sweden, CH2ESS has been honored to represent the hydrogen issue, see Figure 1 from the joint stand.
CH2ESS Research Days 2023 attracted 40 participants to LTU in August, which was appreciated by both researchers and participating companies. This will be an annual event for project presentations by our researchers and exchange with the participants.

Workshop group at the major national Hydrogen Conference to close the Year of Hydrogen in December 2023. Packaging of messages on Sweden's strengths in hydrogen, led by CH2ESS.

Packaging Sweden's strengths in the hydrogen area. Document from LTU, agreed at the Hydrogen Conference 2023 in collaboration with RISE, Energiforsk and Chalmers and the conference participants. There is also a conference report summarized from CH2ESSCH2ESS launches report on the Hydrogen Conference 2023, as well as a hydrogen map for interactive information about projects in Sweden.
CH2ESS history
CH2ESS was launched on May 18, 2021. Luleå University of Technology is planning a core of heavy experimental activities in the university's pilot plant for fuel synthesis, LTU Green Fuels. It will have the capacity to study electrolysis systems at an industrially relevant scale, to simulate industrial sub-processes and to conduct experiments that are too advanced or expensive for commercial facilities. CH2ESS also invests in sub-projects that are theoretical or that utilize the advanced lab scale equipment available at the university.
-"We want to work with Luleå University of Technology to develop an efficient process integration of our hydrogen plant. By increasing and decreasing the hydrogen production, we will be able to balance the electricity grid. In this way, we minimize the overall impact on the grid while achieving a lower production cost. This is an important part of being able to produce competitive fossil-free steel," says Maria Persson-Gulda, Technical Manager at H2 Green Steel.
Read more about the inauguration:
Luleå University of Technology gives full throttle towards the hydrogen society
The year 2024 and beyond
We have laid the groundwork for creating new research projects with many new selected issues based on strategic discussions and workshops in selected contexts throughout the year. We group these issues under the following categories of barriers: organizational, political, regulatory, technical, infrastructure, economic, social, knowledge and ecological, with examples in Table 1 below. We address the barriers by creating a science-based evidence base and education, as well as through well-grounded research, and of course by collaborating widely. Work on creating new constellations and brokering contacts for new applications is ongoing. Not least, conflicting objectives for the transition are challenging issues that need a lot of work.
We continue to work on the development of new courses and modules, for the public, students and contract training for companies.
Exemplary barriers
