Welcome to the subject guide for Economics! Here you will find databases, journals, links and other information that you may find useful when searching for material in a specific subject area.
The Library Search Tool
- The Library Search Tool
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In the Library Search Tool you can search for books, e-books, dissertations and articles in all subject areas.
Articles and databases
Interdisciplinary databases
- Scopus (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Contains scientific journal articles in all subjects. - Web of Science (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Database that provides access to multiple databases and covers leading journals and more in natural sciences, technology, social sciences, arts and the humanities.
Databases in Economy
- Business Source Premier (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
A full-text database covering business operations and management, including topics such as accounting, banking, economics, finance, international trade and more. - Business Searching Interface (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Scientific journals covering company profiles, industry information and market research. - EconLit (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
A reference database in economics. Four (4) simultaneous users allowed. - Emerald journals (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Scientific journals primarily in the fields of management, marketing, economics and logistics. - FAR Online (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
A database with documents from FAR, the Institute for the accountancy profession in Sweden. - OECD iLibrary (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Information, analysis and statistics from the OECD. - Retriever Business (LTU)
External link.
Business information database.
Journals in Economics
- DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals
External link.
Open-Access journals and articles within your subject area. - Journals
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Search among the University Library's journals within your subject area.
Key ratios and SNI codes
Key ratios
Based on company annual reports, you can calculate key ratios such as profitability, return, solvency, and liquidity. By comparing a company's key ratios with industry standards, you can assess the company's performance. Key ratio reports include data on limited companies, economic associations, public enterprises, and some foundations.
- Key ratios
External link.
Swedish key ratios from Statistics Sweden.
SNI codes
SNI is the standard for Swedish industrial classification. An SNI code describes the type of business a company belongs to. Industry classification in Statistics Sweden's key ratios is based on SNI. Therefore, when searching for key ratios, you need to look up the SNI code for the business you are interested in.
- Information about SNI codes
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Statistics Sweden's Standard Industrial Classification, SNI. - SCB, Statistics Sweden
External link, opens in new window.
Here you can search for SNI codes.
- Government agencies responsible for official statistics
External link, opens in new window.
A list of government agencies responsible for official statistics. - SCB, Statistics Sweden
External link.
Swedish and international statistics. - Swedenergy
External link.
Current statistics on the Swedish electricity supply. - The Riksbank
External link, opens in new window.
Historical monetary statistics of Sweden.
Swedish organisations and authorities
- Bolagsverket
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The Swedish Companies Registration Office registers companies and collects annual reports. - Business Sweden
External link, opens in new window.
Business Sweden helps Swedish companies with exports and foreign companies to invest in Sweden. Business Sweden is jointly owned by the Swedish government and the Swedish private sector. It is a merger of the Swedish Export Council and Invest Sweden. - Confederation of Swedish Enterprise
External link, opens in new window.
Confederation of Swedish Enterprise represent the Swedish Businesses in the EU. - HUI research
External link, opens in new window.
Research-based consultancy in areas such as trade and tourism, available in Swedish. - Kommerskollegium – National Board of Trade
External link, opens in new window.
The Swedish government agency for international trade, the EU internal market and trade policy. - NIER – the National Institute of Economic Research
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The National Institute of Economic Research, NIER, monitors and analyses economic developments and forecasts for the Swedish economy. As a government agency under the Ministry of Finance, NIER conducts analyses and forecasts of both the Swedish and international economies to inform economic policy in Sweden. - The Riksbank
External link, opens in new window.
The Riksbank is Sweden's central bank and operates as an authority under the Swedish Parliament, overseeing monetary policy. - Utvecklingsarkivet
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Utvecklingsarkivet gathers reports and other documents concerning Sweden's aid efforts and its role in global development, available in Swedish. - Vinnova
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Vinnova is Sweden's innovation agency tasked with promoting sustainable growth.
International organisations and authorities
- ECB – European Central Bank
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The European Central Bank serves as the central bank for the EU countries that have adopted the euro as their currency. - IMF – International Monetary Fund
External link, opens in new window.
The IMF aims to foster global monetary cooperation, maintain financial stability, and support international trade. - OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
External link, opens in new window.
The OECD evaluates and compares the policies and practices of its member countries. - The World Bank
External link, opens in new window.
The World Bank is made up of five international organizations that provide financial assistance and advice to countries to promote economic development and eradicate poverty.
Economic systems and financial law
- The National Debt Office
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The Swedish National Debt Office is the central government's financial manager, tasked with maintaining financial stability. - The Swedish National Audit Office
External link.
The Swedish National Audit Office is responsible for reviewing the allocation of government funds, their reporting, and their effectiveness in use.