Psychology and sociology
Welcome to the Psychology and Sociology Subject Guide! Here you will find databases, journals, links and other information that you can use when searching for material in a specific subject area.
The Library Search Tool
- The Library Search Tool
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In the Library Search Tool you can search for books, e-books, dissertations and articles in all subject areas.
Articles and databases
Interdisciplinary databases
- Scopus
External link, opens in new window.
Database for scientific journal articles in all subjects. - Web of Science
External link, opens in new window.
Multi-database database covering almost 10,000 leading journals in science, technology, social sciences, arts and humanities.
Databases in psychology and sociology
- Africa-focused e-resources
External link, opens in new window.
Access e-books, newspapers, journals, bibliographies, and fiction, primarily in the social sciences. Among the databases is SA Media, which includes over 120 South African newspapers. Researchers and students at LTU can apply for access to these e-resources through the Nordic Africa Institute. - APA PsycArticles (LTU)
External link.
Fulltext database for American Psychological Association. - APA PsycInfo (LTU)
External link.
Reference database in psychology. - Idunn (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Material from a number of Nordic journals. - Academic Search Premier (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Search scientific material in full text.
Journals in psychology and sociology
- DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals
External link.
Open-Access journals and articles within your subject area. - Journals
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Search among the University Library's journals within your subject area.
Authorities and organisations
- The Public Health Agency of Sweden
External link.
The Public Health Agency of Sweden is an expert authority responsible for national public health issues. - International Sociological Association, ISA
External link.
The aim of the International Sociological Association (ISA) is to represent sociologists globally and to advance sociological knowledge. - The National Board of Health and Welfare
External link.
The National Board of Health and Welfare is a government agency that engages in a broad range of activities and has various responsibilities in the areas of social services, health and medical services, patient safety, and epidemiology. - The American Psychological Association
External link.
The APA is an organisation dedicated to advancing the creation, communication, and application of psychological knowledge. - The European Health Psychology Society, EHPS
External link.
The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) is an organisation focused on promoting empirical and theoretical research in health psychology and its applications across Europe - The World Health Organization, WHO
External link.
The WHO (World Health Organization) serves as the directing and coordinating authority for international health within the United Nations system.
- Eurostat
External link.
Eurostat is the European Union Statistical Office. - Statistics Sweden, SCB
External link.
Statistics Sweden is a government agency responsible for developing, producing, and disseminating national statistics.