Welcome to the subject guide for history! Here you will find databases, journals, links and other information that you can use when searching for material in a specific subject area.
The Library Search Tool
- The Library Search Tool
External link.
In the Library Search Tool you can search for books, e-books, dissertations and articles in all subject areas.
Articles and databases
Interdisciplinary databases
- Academic Search Premier (LTU)
External link.
Multidisciplinary research database. - Scopus (LTU)
External link.
Reference database with summaries and citations for scientific journal articles in all areas; natural sciences, engineering, medicine and social sciences, including arts and humanities. - Web of Science (LTU)
External link.
Database that provides access to multiple databases and covers leading journals and more in natural sciences, technology, social sciences, arts and the humanities.
Databases in history
External link.
An e-journal archive in many academic disciplines. The most recent years are not available. - MLA International Bibliography (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
A reference database for research in all aspects of modern languages and literature.
Journals in history
- DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals
External link.
Open-Access journals and articles within your subject area. - Journals
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Search among the University Library's journals within your subject area.
Authorities and organisations
- Collections at the National Historical Museum
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The mission of the National Historical Museums is to preserve and promote Sweden’s cultural heritage while providing insights into social development and contemporary issues. - Europeana
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A database providing access to cultural heritage objects from institutions across Europe. Digital access to artworks, books, fashion, archaeology, and much more. Available in Swedish. - Riksarkivet, The National Archives Database
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Here, you can search the National Archives' digital archives, registers, and databases in the Digital Research Room, as well as find information about archives and archival institutions in Sweden through the National Archives Database. - The Institute of Urban History, SKHI
External link, opens in new window.
A research institute responsible for Swedish urban and municipal history. - The Living History Forum
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The Living History Forum is a public agency operating under the Ministry of Culture. Its mission is to serve as a national forum that promotes democracy, tolerance, and human rights, with the Holocaust as its starting point. - The National Library of Sweden, KB
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The collections are extensive and accessible through various search services, including Filmarkivet, the Swedish Historical Bibliography, the Swedish Media Database, Swedish Newspapers, Arken, and Digital SOUs (Swedish Government Official Reports). Available in Swedish. - The Swedish National Heritage Board
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The Swedish National Heritage Board is responsible for leading and supporting the preservation, use, and development of cultural heritage. Here, you can find links to the search and registration services: Arkivsök, Bebyggelseregistret, Fornsök, Kringla and Runor.
Biographical dictionaries
- Dictionary of Swedish National Biography, SBL
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It is a biographical dictionary first published in 1917. This dictionary serves as a general reference, featuring significant individuals and their contributions to various stages of Swedish society's development. - The Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women, SKBL
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Discover the stories of over 1,000 Swedish women from the Middle Ages to the present, all of whom have made significant contributions to the development of Swedish society.
- Historical Statistics for Sweden
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Includes extensive time series of historical statistics from the 18th century onward, covering various subject areas such as population, weather, land surveying, agriculture, and foreign trade. Provided by Statistics Sweden SCB. - Historicalstatistics.org
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A portal for historical statistics, primarily focusing on financial history.
Regional archives
- Ájtte archive and library
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Here you will find material about the Sami and about the mountain region. - Norrbotten Archives Center
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At Norrbotten Archives Center, Arkivcentrum, you will find unique archival material from all over Norrbotten. The oldest document dates back to the 1500s, while most materials are from the mid-1800s onward.
- Lannavaara archive (.pdf)
Pdf, 19.4 MB, opens in new window.
Some parts of the archive have been microfilmed and are available at the University Library in Luleå. The archive catalog is available only in Swedish. Please contact the University Library if you have any questions.
- Luleå Municipality's City Archives
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The city archives contain the municipality's history from 1862 onward. Here, you can also find Luleå Municipality's historical image archive and historical maps. Available in Swedish. - Nordkalotten's Cultural and Research Center, Nordkalottbiblioteket
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Provides difficult-to-access archival materials related to Tornedalen, including audio recordings, images, and collections of papers and manuscripts, available in Swedish. - Ragnar Lassinantti's private archive
Opens in new window.
Ragnar Lassinantti’s private archive is located at the University Library in Luleå and contains manuscripts, correspondence, and press cuttings. Please contact the University Library if you have any questions.
Other resources
- Alvin
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It is a national platform for the long-term preservation and accessibility of digitised collections and digital cultural heritage material. It also serves as a catalog for materials not yet digitised. - Carlotta
External link, opens in new window.
Database of museums and museum collections, managed by the National Museum of World Culture, available in Swedish. - DigitaltMuseum
External link, opens in new window.
Provides access to a wide variety of objects from several hundred museums, including photographs, artifacts, designs and buildings. - GENA
External link, opens in new window.
Search for references to Swedish doctoral theses in women's, men's, and gender studies here. - Subdatabases in LIBRIS
External link, opens in new window.
Search in the sub-databases Bothnica, KvinnSam, Swedish-American Newspapers, Swedish Historical Bibliography, Swedish Jewish Bibliography, and Swedish Sami Bibliography. - The National History Museum, SHM
External link, opens in new window.
Among the National Historical Museums, you will find Sweden's largest collection of archaeological material, available in Swedish. - The Internet Archive
External link.
It is a non-commercial digital library that houses internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.