Keywords in all topics
When searching for information, it is beneficial to have basic knowledge about the subject area you are interested in. This makes it easier to delimit the search query, find relevant keywords and select appropriate search tools. Additionally, since scientific material is usually written in English, translating your keywords can help broaden your search and retrieve more hits.
General dictionaries and encyclopedias
Swedish dictionaries
External link.
Search in several Swedish dictionaries at the same time: Svenska Akademiens Ordbok (SAOB), Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL) and Svensk Ordbok (SO). - Rikstermbanken
External link.
Terms and concepts from many disciplines. In Swedish, Sweden's minority languages, English, French, German and Russian.
Swedish-English dictionaries
- NE:s ordböcker
External link, opens in new window.
Dictionaries for several languages, including Swedish-English dictionary. Select the dictionary you want to use under My dictionaries in the search field. - Google translate
External link.
Translate words, phrases or entire web pages.
English dictionaries
- Oxford English Dictionary (LTU)
External link.
A guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of past and present words from across the English-speaking world. - Merriam-Webster Online Search
External link.
English dictionary with definitions of words and suggestions for synonyms.
External link, opens in new window.
Synonyms in Swedish and English. - Woxikon
External link, opens in new window.
Synonyms in Swedish and English.
- Nationalencyklopedin, NE (LTU)
External link, opens in new window.
Swedish encyclopedia with facts on all subjects. Here you can also find dictionaries, synonyms and maps. - Oxford Grove Music Online (LTU)
External link.
Music encyclopedia covering music, musicians, music creation, and musicology. Linking to Grove Music Online.
- Ekonomifaktas dictionary
External link.
Words and concepts used in the fields of finance, taxes, labor market, energy, environment, entrepreneurship, education and the public sector. - ESV's dictionary on economic governance in the state
External link.
The Financial Management Agency's (ESV) dictionary provides definitions of terms and concepts in economic governance, EU audit and forecasts.
- Keywords from the Swedish History Museum
External link.
Common keywords when searching for images and objects. By The Swedish History Museum, available in Swedish.
- IATE – Interactive Terminology for Europe
External link, opens in new window.
Shared terminology database of the institutions of the European Union. For translation of EU-specific terminology between the official languages of the Member States. - Glossary of legal terms
External link.
Glossary of legal terms from the Swedish National Courts Administration. Available in Swedish. - Lagrummets Glossary AZ
External link.
Explanations of legal terms, available in Swedish. - Glossary of the legal manual
External link.
Legal terms and conceptions, available in Swedish. - Glossary for the Swedish Courts
External link.
Swedish–English and English–Swedish glossary of common legal terms in the area of the Swedish National Courts Administration. - Prosecutor's Office Glossary
External link.
Explanation of legal terms mainly in the area of criminal case, available in Swedish.
- IT-words
External link.
Words and expressions used in the IT industry, available in Swedish. - Media Glossary
External link.
A media glossary from the Media Compass, available in Swedish. - TT-language
External link.
The TT language is a collection of writing rules, words and concepts to help anyone who writes, available in Swedish.
- Music lexicon
External link.
Digital edition of Music dictionary from Project Runeberg, available in Swedish. - Music tools
External link, opens in new window.
Musicca, commonly used musical terms. - Vocabulary dictionary
External link.
A glossary from Musikverket, available in Swedish.
Audio technology
- Absoflex glossary
External link.
Words and terms within audio technology, available in Swedish. - Musician on a Mission
External link.
Audio Terms: Every Word You Need to Know to Record Your Own Music. - Glossary with technical words within radio A-Z
External link.
Swedish Radio's own glossary for technical words about radio, available in Swedish. - Recording Connection
External link.
Glossary of Audio, Recording and Music Terms. - Technical words within the music
External link.
Words and concepts in sound engineering, from Musikakuten.
Theater and dance
- Ballet ABC
External link.
The dance portal's glossary with the most common terms within the ballet, available in Swedish. - Ballet Dictionary
External link.
American Ballet Theaters glossary, both with text and sound. - glossary
External link.
Terms within theater from the Swedish Union for performing Arts and Film, available in Swedish.
Medicine and health
- SveMed+
External link, opens in new window.
Use Karolinska Institutet's SveMed+ database to find MeSH terms. If you do a search, you will see suggestions for MeSH terms in the right-hand column. - Swedish MeSH
External link, opens in new window.
Use Swedish MeSH when you need to find controlled vocabulary to use when searching in different databases. Here you also get an English translation of your search terms. MeSH is mainly used in PubMed. Created by Karolinska Institutet. - KIB – Terms of experiences, feelings, attitudes etc.
External link.
Karolinska Institutet's University Library's website has a compilation of useful terms about experiences and treatment, available in Swedish.
- School terms in English
External link, opens in new window.
Information from Skolverket on how to translate common terms, school subjects and grade designations into English. - Swedish-English dictionary for higher education
External link, opens in new window.
Glossary of terms and concepts in higher education. By the Swedish Council for Higher Education, UHR.
Psychology and sociology
- Dictionary in psychology
External link.
Here you can find the word you are searching for in the Natur & Kulturs Dictionary in psychology by Henry Egidius, available in Swedish.
Language and literature
- The People's Dictionary
External link, opens in new window.
English-Swedish dictionary that belongs to, and is extended by, its users. - Nyordslistor
External link, opens in new window.
Compiled lists of new Swedish words and expressions. By the Institute for Language and Folklore, available in Swedish. - SIL Glossary of Linguistic Terms
External link, opens in new window.
Glossary covering more than 900 terms in linguistics. - Sign Language Dictionary
External link.
Swedish sign language dictionary with over 18,000 characters. By The Sign Language Department, The Department of Linguistics at Stockholm University.
The topic technology is divided below.
Keywords in mathematics and science
- The Swedish Chemicals Agency's dictionary
External link, opens in new window.
Contains examples of words, concepts, abbreviations and acronyms in chemistry. - Mathematical dictionary for the university: English-Swedish, Swedish-English
External link.
Stefan B. Lindström's dictionary with mathematical terms and concepts.
Keywords in IT and electronics
- Termado
External link.
The glossary of the Swedish data term group, available in Swedish.
Keywords in mining and metals
- Small Geological Encyclopedia
External link.
Glossary of terms, concepts and definitions. By the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, department of Soil and Environment, available in Swedish. - A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences (LTU)
External link.
Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences, published by Oxford University Press. Select the letters or search for a specific term or concept to get a description of the word.
Keywords in materials and mechanical engineering, automotive systems and space technology
- Astronomical terms
External link, opens in new window.
Stockholm Observatory Glossary, available in Swedish.
- English-Swedish glossary in mechanics (.pdf)
Pdf, 490.1 kB, opens in new window.
Luleå University of Technology's glossary contains mainly technical terms in physics, mathematics and technology.
Keywords in the Arctic and cold climate
- Klimatordlistan
External link.
Klimatordlista is a dictionary of climate change related words and abbreviations, available in Swedish.