Digital exam using Inspera
Digital exam means that an exam is created, written and assessed in a web-based system. At LTU, Inspera is normally used for digital examinations.
ATTENTION! In order to take the exam in the hall, you need to download the Inspera Integrity Browser (IIB) which is a secure browser. In order to write the exam, you must be registered and present a valid ID document.
See instructions below for how to download IIB to your computer.
If you have questions about digital examinations with other systems than Inspera, contact the examiner for more information.
It is the examiner who decides how an exam should be conducted and this is stated in the exam notification. If you are unsure, contact your examiner.
When the examiner chooses a digital exam with Inspera as an examination, he or she decides that it will be conducted either:
- as a classroom exam at our campuses.
- via the study centers approved by Luleå University of Technology.
- as a home exam.
Hall exam with Inspera on the university's campuses
At a hall exam with Inspera, you write your exam on your own computer that you take with you to the writing room on campus. In order to write the exam, you must be registered and present a valid ID document.
Please note! In order to take the exam, you need to download Inspera Integrity Browser, which is a secure browser. When using the secure browser, you cannot open other programs or files from your computer.
Only Windows (10 and 11) and Mac OS (11 and higher) operating systems are compatible with Inspera Exam Portal.
Preparations you need to make in time for the exam
Before you write your digital hall exam with Inspera, you need to ensure a few things:
- Make sure you have the latest version of Inspera Integrity Browser downloaded on your computer. See instructions on how to do this.
- Ensure that your computer can connect to Eduroam, the university-wide wireless network. Information about Eduroam.
Application for an exam seat in a computer room
If you are seeking computer space because you have problems downloading the Inspera Integrity Browser, please contact Service Point in the first instance for assistance. We have a limited number of computer seats that mainly need to be used for those who do not have their own computer or a computer that is not compatible with Inspera Integrity Browser.
To be guaranteed a place in the computer room, your application must be submitted one week before your exam. See link to the application below.
Checklist on the day of the exam
Remember to bring with you:
- Valid identification
- A valid LTU card is also a valid ID document for examinations.
- Laptop (make sure it is fully charged)
- Charger for your computer
- Ink pen, blue or black
- Graphite pencil
- Eraser
Be there in good time. Admission to the writing room takes place about 30 minutes before the writing time starts.
How to get ready for your exam:
- Connect your computer to the Eduroam wireless network.
- Open Inspera Integrity Browser and follow the instructions. You use your LTU ID for login, password for accessing information about your exam is obtained in the exam room.
- Read the information regarding your exam
- Just before the exam begins, you will receive a password from the invigilator that is used to open the exam.
- Open the exam when the writing time starts
Exam with Inspera at another study center
When taking an exam with Inspera at another approved study center, you write your exam on your own computer that you bring to the study center. In order to write the exam, you must also be registered and present a valid ID document.
Please note! In order to take the exam, you need to download Inspera Integrity Browser which is a secure browser. When using the secure browser, you cannot open other programs or files from your computer.
Only Windows (10 and 11) and Mac (11 and higher) operating systems are compatible with Inspera Integrity Browser.
Preparations you need to make in time for the exam
Before you write your digital classroom exam with Inspera at another study center, you need to ensure a few things:
- Contact the study center you want to write your exam at. More information can be found here.
- Make sure you have Inspera Integrity Browser downloaded on your computer. See instructions above on how to do this.
- Make sure you have the latest version of Inspera Integrity Browser downloaded on your computer. See instructions on how to do this.
- Make sure that your computer can connect to a network, preferably the university-wide wireless network Eduroam
Opens in new window.. Otherwise, use the network assigned to you at the study center.
If you do not have your own computer for your exam with Inspera at another study center
If you do not have the opportunity to bring a computer, you can, up until the last day of registration for the exam period, change your writing location to one of our campus locations and report that you need a seat in a computer room.
To register for a seat in a computer room at a campus location, fill out the form below no later than one week before the exam.
Checklist on the day of the exam
Remember to bring with you:
- Valid identification
- A valid LTU card is also an approved ID document for examinations.
- Laptop (make sure it is fully charged)
- Charger for your computer
- Ink pen (blue or black)
- Graphite pencil
- Eraser
Be there in good time.
How to get ready for your exam:
- You need to arrive at your writing station, which is the only place where you can write the exam. For your exam to be valid, an ID check must be carried out and the exam must be supervised by an invigilator.
- Connect your computer to the wireless network you are assigned.
- Open Inspera Integrity Browser and follow the instructions. You use your LTU ID for login. Passwords for accessing information about your exam are obtained in the exam hall.
- Read the information regarding your exam
- Shortly before the exam begins, you will receive a password from the invigilator that is used to open the exam.
- Opening the exam when the writing time starts
Home exam with Inspera
When taking an exam from home with Inspera, you write your exam on your own computer. Home exams with Inspera can be done with or without supervision based on the examiner's choice of examination form.
Instructions for exams with digital monitoring can be found at the bottom of the page.
Preparations you need to make in good time for the exam
Before you write your exam with Inspera from home, you need to ensure a few things:
- Make sure your computer meets the system requirements: Make sure the operating system on your PC or Mac is the right version and that the browser is supported. Inspect system requirements
External link.
- Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
- Make sure you are sitting in a calm and quiet environment.
Checklist on exam day
Prepare yourself by:
- Connecting the computer to a power source
- Take out a pencil and eraser
- Take out any permitted aids.
- Read through any special instructions for the exam if assigned by the examiner/course coordinator.
How to get ready for your exam:
- Make sure your computer is connected to the network.
- Close all programs (including email notifications and the like).
- Open a browser and enter in the address bar:
External link..
- Log in with your LTU ID.
- Select your exam and read the information about it.
- Open the exam when the writing time starts.
Instructions for exams with digital monitoring:
As with all exams, it is required that you are registered and can present a valid ID document. For exams from home with Inspera that are conducted with digital monitoring, these instructions apply:
- You must be logged in to Zoom 45 minutes before the exam starts.
- Have access to approved valid identification.
- A valid LTU card is also an approved ID document for the examination.
- Sound and microphone must be turned on.
- Headset/headphones are not allowed.
- The camera must be turned on and directed towards the student and the writing area.
- Only one screen and one device may be used.
- Screen sharing shall be applied.
- Only Inspera, Zoom and any digital aids may be open.
- ID control takes place in a private digital room.
- All communication with the invigilator is via chat.
- Students are not allowed to leave the exam supervision without OK from the invigilator.
- If the internet connection fails, try to connect again.
- When reconnecting, contact the invigilator in the chat and let them know what happened.
- If problems persist, call the examiner and report your problem.
- Let the invigilator know if solutions to the exam should be uploaded in Inspera.
- Wait for OK from the invigilator before using a mobile phone to photograph solutions and then upload answers to Inspera.
- Notify the invigilator when the answers have been uploaded.
- Notify the invigilator when the exam is ready to be submitted.
- Wait for OK from the invigilator.
- The zoom room can be left after OK from the invigilator.
In order to write your exam, you must show your ID document to the invigilator. This takes place in so-called break-out rooms in Zoom, i.e. the invigilator takes you to a private Zoom room with just you and the invigilator.
Test Inspera with a demo exam
You have the opportunity to take a demo exam with Inspera before your actual exam to familiarize yourself with the tool. Your answers will neither be saved nor graded, and you can test as many times as you'd like.
- Open the Inspera Integrity Browser on your computer.
- Click "Next." A system check will now run. Once it is approved, click "Next" again.
- Click "Authenticate."
- Then, click "Log in with LTU ID," and log in with your student credentials, then press "Next."
- Choose the demo exam "Demoexam IIB (lockdown)."
- Enter the pin code abcdef00 and select "Unlock and select."
- Then, click "Next."
Scroll down and click "Open exam."
You can also take a demo exam directly in your web browser.
- Open a web browser and enter the following address:
- Click "Log in with your LTU ID."
- You will find the demo exam under the heading "Demo exam."
See your result in Inspera
Exam results are announced no later than three weeks after the exam and no later than two weeks before the next re-exam.
On your page in Inspera you can see completed exams under the tab Archive.
On your corrected exam you can see:
- Your submitted answers
- Total score
- Points per question
- Any comments and feedback from teachers
Please note that in some exams the examiner has chosen to limit the above information for pedagogical reasons.
The exams in Inspera are saved for two years and then deleted. You can download and save your corrected exam on your own computer if you wish.
Here you can find the results in Inspera
- Open a browser and enter in the address bar:
External link.
- Log in with LTU ID.
- Click on Archive.
- Find the exam and click on See more details.
- There is a result overview and your submitted answers.
Your grade in Ladok
The grade for the exam and the course can be found in Ladok External link..
FAQ - questions and answers about exams in Inspera
Eduroam is a wireless network that gives students and employees access to wireless internet while staying at connected universities and colleges. We use eduroam at LTU.
Before the exam, you should ensure that you can log in to Eduroam on your computer, and know your login details for Eduroam if you need to log in to a loan computer.
At present, it is possible to connect to, for example, LTU guest network, but it is not as stable as Eduroam, so we do not recommend it.
If you do not have a laptop, LTU will provide a seat in the computer room during the exam. However, you must report if you want a place in the computer room, you do this by:
No later than one week before the exam that you need a place in the computer room.
- Open the Inspera Integrity Browser on your computer.
- Click on Next. This will run a system check. When it is approved, click Next again.
- Click on Authenticate.
- Then click on Log in with LTU ID and log in with your student login and press Next.
- You will find the exams you are registered for and that have been published in Inspera in the left column. Normally, exams are published in Inspera the day before the exam and no later than 30 minutes before the writing time begins.
Contact the course coordinator if you are unsure which aids are allowed. You will also be able to read this on the information page for the exam when you click on Open exam.
If the spelling feature is enabled on the exam, you can turn it on or off in the answer box of essay questions. Currently, spelling is only supported in the essay questions.
- Open the menu, the three bars in the top right of Inspera, in the exam.
- Select Text to speech.
- Select Enable.
The function works in such a way that you highlight the text that you want to have read out and then press the play button that appears next to the text you highlighted.
To disable text to speech, enter the menu in the same way and select disable.
Open a browser and enter in the address bar: External link, opens in new window.. There you log in with your LTU ID. You will find your submitted exams under Archive.
Submitting a blank exam means that you submit an exam without answers. The exam will then go to assessment and will normally result in a failing grade. If you have written answers in an exam in Inspera and choose to submit a blank exam, all your answers will be deleted from the exam. Submitting a blank exam must be done before the end of the writing time. Please note that it is not possible to undo a blank submission.
Yes, you can. Start by calling the invigilator when you want to submit a blank exam. Then open the menu, the three lines at the top right of Inspera, in the exam. Select Submit blank.
Examination results are announced no later than three weeks after the examination and no later than two weeks before the next re-examination.
- The exam result (grade) is visible on Ladok for students
External link, opens in new window..
- Scores on your corrected exam in Inspera are visible on
External link. in your Archive.
Once the exam is graded and the results page is published, you can find the results, i.e. the score and any comments, in Inspera under Archive.