Defect characterization in Additive Manufacturing (AM)
Additive manufactured Inconel-718 sample (a) scanned using XCT (b) which allowed detection of internal defects (c). The reconstructed geometry from XCT is used for FEM modelling and the results show critical stress levels near a defect.
The project is a collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, University West and GKN Aerospace.

Defect characterization in Additive Manufacturing (AM)
Read more in the following publication:
Neikter. M, Forsberg. F, Pederson. R, Antti. M-L, Åkerfeldt. P, Larsson. S, Jonsén. P, Puyoo. G, “Defect characterization of electron beam melted Ti-6Al-4V and Alloy 718 with X-ray microtomography”, Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal, ISSN: 2576-4500, 2, 3, 139-145 (2018)
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