Studies of brown seaweed for preparation of hybrid ink for 3D printing of hydrogels
This study aims to utilize the natural composition of brown seaweed for the preparation of alginate/cellulose nanofiber (CNF) hybrid inks for 3D printing of hydrogels.
The samples were analyzed using a number of characterization methods, including x-ray microtomography. The project is a collaboration between Luleå University of Technology (Wood and Bionanocomposites, Fluid and Experimental Mechanics) and Linköping University.

Studies of brown seaweed for preparation of hybrid ink for 3D printing of hydrogels.

Studies of brown seaweed for preparation of hybrid ink for 3D printing of hydrogels.
Read more in the following publication:
Berglund L., Rakar J., Junker J, Forsberg F., Oksman K., ”Utilizing the natural composition of brown seaweed for preparation of hybrid ink for 3D printing of hydrogels”, ACS Applied Bio Materials, (2020).
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