Waste Science and Technology
We develop solutions to waste-related problems in society and industry. Our approach often begins with advanced waste characterization, enabling us to predict how waste will impact and be impacted by its environment in both the short and long term.
We use a wide range of biological, chemical, mechanical and physical processes and techniques, depending on the treatment needs and system requirements. We also work on topics bordering the social sciences, e g on the evaluation and development of source separation systems.
Waste Science and Technology covers all stages of the society´s waste - formation, collection, treatment, and disposal of waste, including utilization and recycling. The research aims to develop tools and methods for sustainable waste management.

Read more about our research projects.

The Environmental Laboratory
Environmental research in lab and field.

Meet some of our former interns
We accept interns from all over the world.

About us
History of this research group.

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