Applied Geochemistry
Applied geochemistry focuses on studies of the presence of elements and the geochemical processes that take place in rock, soil and water at Earth's surface.
Humans are today a significant geological factor that affects the Earth on a local, regional and global scale. Concerns about man's impact on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and potentially toxic effects on the biosphere have actualized the need for environmental geochemistry. Research and education in environmental geochemistry relates to environmental issues linked to the mining industry, infrastructure construction and community building, hydropower development, forestry, acid sulfate soils and sulfide-bearing rocks. In environmental forensics, we use isotopes, multi-element analyses and mineral identification to trace pollution sources, mobility and geochemical processes in both natural and affected systems.
Basic research of Applied Geochemistry studies concentrations and mobility of element in the natural environment. The applied research elucidates the environmental impact from several anthropogenic sources.

Research projects in Applied Geochemistry

We are a part of SSM
Research, education and infrastructure across the entire value chain of minerals and metals.

Laboratories for applied geochemistry
Our research environments and laboratories.

Research School
Doctoral studies, or third cycle studies (TCS), usually take four to five year to render a Doctoral thesis and a PhD degree.

Our Scientific Publications

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