Ore Geology
Ore geology refers to the study of mineral deposits and metallogeny – at regional, deposit, and mineral scales.
The Ore Geology group conducts innovative research and interdisciplinary teaching in mineral deposit studies and related topics. Our aim is to understand controlling factors that produce metallic mineral deposits, with a particular focus on base metal and critical mineral systems. We integrate field studies with cutting-edge micro-analysis to gain knowledge insights that support the raw materials value chain – from mineral deposit genesis to ore characterization to ore beneficiation.
Metals and minerals are essential for our modern societies. Thus, the search for metals and minerals has intensified in recent years as demand for raw materials changes with societal needs. Metals and minerals are natural resources that are indispensable for the sustainable development of society, climate change mitigation and the green energy transition. Understanding how and why mineral deposits form in the Earth’s crust are knowledge prerequisites that guide modern mineral exploration and the discovery of metals and ore.

New geometallurgical model results in more efficient mines
A precise model that can be used to plan the optimal way to extract and process an ore is deemed crucial for efficient and sustainable mining operations.

52 million to materials lab for green transition
Almost three billion SEK will be invested in the universities concerned over the next ten years with great importance for basic research and the Swedish manufacturing industry.