Applied Geophysics
Applied Geophysics is a topic based on the laws of physics and methods which, combined with geological information can be used in a variety of applications.
Applied Geophysics is a postgraduate subject at Luleå University with research that includes both basic and applied research.
The applied research covers environmental and engineering applications such as Detection of contaminants in soil and water, leakage of dust cells (hydropower, landfill), projection of rock strength, investigations during the design of tunnels, roads, buildings, and prospect for minerals (technique for localization of potential ore) and water (aquifer-quantity and quality), while basic research includes such paleomagmetism (continental drift, historical variations in the earth's magnetic field intensity, the dating of sediments, etc.), rocks physical properties (essential for geophysical interpretation), determination of geological structures (eg during exploration), etc.
We offer courses in basic geophysics, geophysics, specializing in environmental and exploration, and geophysics at a more advanced level.

Research projects in Applied Geophysics

Applied Geophysics is a part of SSM
Applied Geophysics has launched the Master programme in Exploration Geoscience.

Ancient Supercontinents and the Paleogeography of Earth
A recently published book on ancient supercontinents and the paleogeography of the earth.

Doctoral studies
General curriculum for graduate programs in Applied Geophysics.

Our Scientific Publications

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