Machine Elements
The research subject Machine Elements has world-leading research expertise in the field of tribology - that is, lubrication, wear and friction.
Wear and friction on production equipment, cars and machines of various kinds cause damage worth tens of billions of SEK every year. In basic industry, about half of the operating costs are maintenance costs related to wear and friction.
Tribology researchers at Luleå University of Technology work closely with companies to solve problems related to lubrication, abrasion and friction. Our partners include Scania, BorgWarner, Volvo Construction Equipment, SKF, Gestamp HardTech, Shell, Bosch Rexroth and others.
Friction and wear cause problems such as high energy consumption and production stops in industry. Tribology researchers at Luleå University of Technology strives at seeking answers to these tribological challenges to enable development of new products and processes.
Reveals wear protection differences in multi-lubricant oils
Using advanced tests at the Tribolab of Luleå University of Technology, trainees Theodor Hulthe and Albin Vikström have analyzed the abrasion protection of three popular multi-sprays.
Record year for machine elements - ten PhD students graduated in 2024
Machine Elements has had an exceptional year - ten PhD students completed their theses in 2024.
Bosch-Rexroth visited the university
A delegation from Bosch-Rexroth recently visited Luleå University of Technology and researchers at the departments. During the visit, the group was shown laboratories and new research at the university.
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