Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering is a science where technical, physical and mathematical methods are used to better describe human physiological functions and to develop new solutions for prevention, diagnostics, monitoring and disease treatment. Biomedical Engineering is a subject area that is interdisciplinary. It integrates physics, mathematics, life sciences and engineering in order to study issues in biology, medicine, health care systems to improve our health and quality of life.
Biomedical Engineering provides knowledge at all levels from the molecular to the organ system level. Medical devices range from patches or implants to advanced equipment for imaging the brain or radiation therapy for cancerous tumors. Digital solutions for e-health such as e.g. medical records in electronic form belong to the category of biomedical engineering. Slightly simplified, it can be said that most things that fit in a hospital apart from medicines belong to the category of biomedical engineering, and current research questions are therefore often based on relevant medical or clinical needs. We conduct research that is rooted in current societal challenges in close collaboration with other actors, with the aim of generating value outside the research community as well.
Our current projects in the subject area at Luleå University of Technology include developing methods for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, and developing new techniques to study and influence cell signalling that can contribute to improved wound healing.

New laboratory for advanced biomedical research
In this lab we conduct cancer research by growing cancer cells. Additionally we carry out research on the common yet underdiagnosed women's condition, endometriosis.

Saliva sample enables early detection of Alzheimer's and Parkinsons
With the help of molecules from the brain that can be measured in saliva, it is possible to detect early changes that can lead to Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease – long before symptoms appear.

Study shows less studied areas of Parkinson´s disease
In a study, researchers from Luleå University of Technology have investigated one of the most detrimental diseases of mankind, Parkinson’s disease and found areas to look further into.

Our research has two main focusses – research on dementia diseases and research on women's health and illnesses.