Polymeric Composite Materials
Polymeric Composite Materials is an area of research that in interaction with other closely related areas constitutes the basis for production and determination of the function of advanced polymer-based composite materials and structural components of today and tomorrow.
The subject involves studying and describing the relation between the manufacture, microstructure, properties and functions of composites. We study mechanisms and identifies parameters at nano, micro and meso level that control the behaviour of the composites, and describes them in mathematical terms with models that are used in the optimisation of the composites’ performance. Experimental, analytical and numerical methods are used.
The most important application areas are aerospace, car and marine industries.
Embarking on a New Educational Journey: Designing a Course in Life Cycle and Cost Assessment
Luleå University of Technology (LTU) Group of Polymeric Composite Materials researchers in cooperation with international partners will develop training content on life cycle and cost analysis of products and processes. This course will be aimed at P...
SUSBICO: New collaborations with longstanding partners
The group of Polymeric Composite Materials at LTU is starting work to develop novel green polyester resins within the SUSBICO project. The new resins would have competitive or better materials properties compared to the current fossil-based resins an...
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