In the subject of Physiotherapy, exercise is seen as a means for health and quality of life. Research in Physiotherapy is about movement and its connection to the body, function, experience, learning and interaction. The scientific basis includes biomechanical, physiological, social and existential perspectives. Physiotherapy is a worldwide academic discipline and one of the largest professions in the field of health globally.

Research on health promotion
Research on health promotion examines how the health of individuals and societies can be promoted by optimizing factors for an active and healthy life.

Research on movement function
We do research to understand and be able to counteract limitations in the ability for movement that are associated with aging and with various problems from the musculoskeletal system.

Human Movement Science Lab
Human Health and Performance Lab – Movement Science. Measuring movement, forces and muscle activity with advanced technology.

Signed partnership with Generation Pep
Generation Pep is an organisation working to give children the opportunity and will to live active and healthy lives. Luleå University of Technology is now a research partner to the organisation.

Could exercise for the brain reduce risk of falling?
Can training of cognitive functions reduce the risk of elderly people falling? In the Human Movement Science Lab, researchers examine how training programs affect cognitive ability and balance.

National recommendation for more active transports to school
Active transportation to school, such as walking or cycling, is what is best for children. This according to a new national recommendation to parents and community planners.

Meet a doctoral student
Read more about our research and find out what it's like to be a doctoral student within Physiotherapy.