Operation and Maintenance Engineering
Operation and Maintenance Engineering deals with the development of methodologies, models and tools to ensure high system dependability and efficient and effective maintenance processes for both new and existing systems.
The subject area of Operation and Maintenance Engineering is multidisciplinary in nature, transcending the boundaries and separating many disciplines of science, emerging technology and arts. The activities of the Division are aligned towards finding synergies with other engineering disciplines and building networks with many active research groups, locally and worldwide. The Division has been successful in obtaining grants from EU and Swedish Research funding agencies like VINNOVA and SSF. The Division has launched an International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management published by Springer. The establishment of SKF- University Technology Center for advanced condition monitoring has provided the Division with a much needed platform for the development of predictive technology. Besides, two eMaintenance Labs are functioning at LTU and LKAB, Kiruna; a Condition Monitoring Lab has been established at the Division. The Division is fully competent and equipped technologically to undertake research work in the emerging areas of big data, predictive and prescriptive analytics.
With the increasing awareness among the industry and academia that maintenance ensures safe and sustainable performance and creates additional value for the business process, the Division has been working collaboratively with industries, academic and research partners.
The research subject Operation and Maintenance Engineering was established as a new emerging academic and research subject in the year 2001. Since then, the Division is continuously performing to establish itself as a pioneer and leading research group in the field of operation and maintenance engineering.

Research in Operation and Maintenance Engineering

Centres of Excellence
In Operation and Maintenance Engineering we have two Centres of Excellence

AI Factory
Research environments and laboratories for AI in industry and transport.

Doctoral studies
Research School at The Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering

eMaintenance Lab
The world's first international e-maintenance lab.

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