History is a subject that describes, and mainly explains societal changes and events in the past. At the unit for history at Luleå University of Technology, a number of employees are engaged in research and teaching about history.
The history research at LTU is primarily focused on the modern period, mainly late modern times. Much of the research is in the field of history of science, technology, and environment. The focus is on research problems concerning technological and industrial change, particularly the extractive industries as well as changing attitudes and ways of interacting with the environment. Other key research problems concern migration and processes of change in education, science, and other types of knowledge production. An important profile area is indigenous history and the history of national minorities, especially Sami and Tornedalian.
The history unit also conducts education in history. Here the content is broad and extends from our earliest history to the present. The focus is on Sweden, but in a global context and with a perspective that allows us to illuminate the past in a way that illuminates the great variety of people and phenomena that have influenced the course of history. We offer courses within programs as well as independent courses, many of which are online courses.

Widespread steel making process in the north 2000 years ago
In over 40 sites across an area that extends over northern Finland, Sweden and Norway, advanced iron and steel objects were produced and smithed by hunter-gatherer groups more than 2000 years ago.