Doctoral studies on Applied Geophysics
Doctoral studies, or third cycle studies (TCS), usually take four to five year to render a Doctoral thesis and a PhD degree. The studies are individually conducted by the student in close collaboration with a principal supervisor and at least one assistant supervisor and the success depends largely on the student. General curriculum for graduate programs in applied Geophysics:
Applied Geophysics is a topic based on physical laws and practices, which combined with geological information can be used in a variety of applications. Geophysical research at the Division of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering includes both basic and applied research and includes environmental and engineering applications, eg, detection of contaminants in soil and water investigations during the design of tunnels, roads, buildings, and exploration, and basic research as such, paleomagnetism, plate tectonics, rocks physical properties, determination of geological structures etc.
The graduate program in Applied Geophysics includes both theoretical studies of laboratory and field courses. A licentiate degree is a course / clinical laboratory section of the allmännhet about 30 points and some of the original research on 50 points (total 80 points). The training is expected to take two years to complete. For a doctoral degree in another two years studies by about 10 points in courses and research work comprising 70 points (total 160 points).
Normally, it takes about five years to complete a PhD, then with a time scale of 80%, which allows for an engagement in the department's other operations such teaching.
The design and scope of the course / laboratory components are determined by the requirements that the research task sets. Scientific theory is, however, a mandatory feature.
Research results are reported preferably via articles in international scientific journals, but theses in the form of monographs may also occur.
CENE Research School
Doctoral students in our subject are offered postgraduate studies at The Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering:
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