Debate article published in a world-leading physics journal
In the latest issue of the magazine Physics World, Johan Hansson, a professor of theoretical physics at Luleå University of Technology, has shared his thoughts in a debate article titled "The climate is doomed if we continue to be fixated by economic growth". In the article, Johan Hansson argues that it will never be possible to achieve our climate goals if the fixation on growth is allowed to continue.
"It's insane to think that what has led us into today's crisis – uncontrolled technological 'development' and exploitation driven by unrestrained, increasingly unequal, rampant madness of perpetual growth capitalism – will be able to save us: If you're sitting on a branch that you're about to saw off and the ground beneath is burning, the solution is not to switch to a better saw – it's to stop sawing," says Johan Hansson.
Physics World is the membership magazine for the Institute of Physics, one of the largest physics societies in the world. It is an international monthly magazine covering all areas of physics and is aimed at physicists in research, industry, physics outreach, and education worldwide.