Thysell Laboratory
The concrete laboratory – Thyssell Lab – is part of the Mining and Civil Engineering laboratory.
The equipment base consists of:
- Print press and splitting tests of concrete.
- Equipment for determining the properties of fresh concrete.
- Equipment to determine shrinkage and creep properties of concrete.
- Equipment for determining the thermal evolution of the hardening concrete.
Sven Thysell
A great friend of Luleå University of Technology was Sven Thysell, 1916-2020. Through Elsa and Sven Thysell's foundation, he has donated large amounts to the university over the years. Sven Thysell financed this lab.
The Sven Thyssell Laboratory is a part of the Mining and Civil Engineering Lab
Mining and Civil Engineering Lab is the largest laboratory at Luleå University of Technology and have a wide range of activities. Mostly we do:
- Mechanical testing on steel, wood and concrete
- Rockmechanical testing
- Geotechnical testing
- Outdoor measurements
- Analyses and enquiries.
Rikard Öhman
- Research Engineer
- 0920-492206
- rikard.ohman@ltu.se
- Rikard Öhman
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