Titanium-based ion exchangers for water treatment 2013 - 2016
The goal of this project is to develop efficient, regenerable and relatively cheap titanium-based ion exchangers (Ti-IE) to remove toxic metals from wastewaters.
The world wastewater production is estimated to 1,500 km3 per day and the traditional methods of purification of wastewaters from metal ions do not reach the EU limits or/and are costly. The release of such wastewaters contaminates the whole ecosystem. Thus, production of novel types of efficient, selective and cheap Ti-IE adsorbents from tailings of mining industries would be ecologically interesting and economically profitable for the society. Titanium phosphate materials have already shown a high sorption capacity and selectivity towards a variety of metal cautions, which leads to a raise of interest for these types of sorbents [1-7].
This project involves three researchers from Luleå University of Technology (LTU) working in collaboration with a researcher from Kola Science Centre (Russia) and engineers at R&D of Boliden AB. The sorption capacity of the adsorbents is studied first with the batch procedure and further on with the column method. The characterization of the different Ti-IE is carried out using a variety of spectroscopic and analytical methods, such as NMR, FT-IR, BET, Raman, etc in order to establish structure and properties of Ti-IE. One particular sorbent being developed at LTU has already shown a better sorption properties compared to amorphous titanium phosphate sorbents previously developed by our collaborators from Kola Science Centre, Russia. Further experiments are conducted in order to determine the exact structure and surface properties of this sorbent.
[1] M. V. Maslova, A. S. Chugunov, L. G. Gerasimova, N. V. Konovalova, Radiochemistry 2013, 55, 4
[2] M. V. Maslova, D. Rusanova, V. Naydenov, O. N. Antzutkin, L.G. Gerasimova, Inorg. Chem. 2008, 11351.
[3] A.Bhaumik, S. Inagaki, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 691.
[4] A. Nilchi, M. G. Maragheh, A. Khanchi, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 2004, 261, 393.
[5] M. V. Maslova, D. Rusanova, V. Naydenov, O. N. Antzutkin, L.G. Gerasimova, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 2012, 2943.
[6] S. Bruque, M. A. G. Aranda, E. R. Losilla, Inorg. Chem. 1995, 34, 893.
[7] A. I. Bortun, L. Bortun, A. J. Cleafield, Mater. Res. 1996, 11, 2490.
Project: 2013-2016 | Granted financing from Formas 3,018,000 SEK / Granted co-financing from Boliden AB 400 000 SEK
Project Manager: Prof. Oleg N. Antzutkin, Luleå University of Technology
Researchers who work in this project:
Doctoral student Mylene Trublet, Luleå University of Technology; Mylene.Trublet@ltu.se
Dr. Anna-Carin Larsson, Luleå University of Technology; acla@ltu.se
Dr. Marina Maslova, Kola Science Center, Russia; Marina.Maslova@ltu.se
Dr. Nils-Johan Bolin, Boliden AB; Nils-Johan.Bolin@boliden.com
Oleg Antzutkin
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-492524
- oleg.antzutkin@ltu.se
- Oleg Antzutkin