Research projects on Cyber Security
Current projects
SUMMATION: Sustainable Autonomous Systems and Solutions
The aim of the project is to increase the innovation capacity of SMEs and the use of advanced technologies in their activities. The project activities include encouraging entrepreneurial processes, learning practices, methods of advanced technologies.
Digital trust and sustainable design of circular services (DiTrust)
More and more in society is done through digital services. They are developed by organizations and businesses themselves, sometimes with formal expertise, sometimes as self-taught, or the services are purchased from IT companies. The public in turn uses the e-services of municipalities and public au...
Cybernode: Human aspects
We are already members of the Swedish Cyber Node, which was formed in 2020 to create a favourable innovation climate for the cybersecurity industry. The members come from public actors, industry and universities, among others. The need to address human aspects in a specific working group was recogni...
ISSUES - Information Security and digital Services for sUstainablE designS
The project intends to shed light on digital trust from the perspective of both developers and users, i.e. companies/organizations but also consumers. Digital trust is identified as an important societal issue. Confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA triad Confidentiality, Integrity, Availa...
SÄKRA Digital security for businesses
Cyber threats and attacks are an increasing societal challenge that risks hindering sustainable growth through digitalization. With the increase in mind, businesses need to think about when, not if, they too will be subject to a targeted attack on their systems.
Cyber Security Node North
The project aims to strengthen Upper Norrland's cybersecurity capacity through applied and needs-driven research and innovation in collaboration with companies and public actors in critical infrastructure.
ABC of cybersecurity for SMEs
In our digitalized business environment, cyber threats and attacks are on the rise. In general, companies and organizations have relatively limited knowledge of various threats and countermeasures. At the same time, research efforts are mainly carried out in large companies and organizations that ha...