About us on Dependable Communication and Computation Systems
Industrial Informatics and Automation
Major fundamental research topics and expertise areas include:
- Function block architecture IEC 61499 for distributed measurement and control systems
- Holistic and cyber-physical approach to the design of complex distributed automation systems
- Simulation of complex distributed systems
- Agent-based architectures and bio-inspired control in complex industrial infrastructures
- Intelligent mechatronics
- Formal semantics of distributed systems
- Embedded hardware/software platforms for intelligent distributed control
- Networked control systems and wireless sensor networks
- Formal verification by model-checking and automatic test generation
- Software tools for visual development of automation systems
We have applied our research results in the following application areas:
- Modular material handling systems, in particular airport Baggage Handling Systems (BHS)
- Energy generation and distribution, SmartGrid
- Manufacturing and assembly
- Agriculture and food processing
- Machining and Computer Numeric Control
- Smart energy saving buildings
- Smart mechatronic modules
Dependable network architectures
The focal concept of the “Dependable network architectures” direction is dependability of a computing system – an integrated property of a computing system jointly characterized by its availability, reliability, security and maintainability. It is recognized in the ICT research community that an evaluation of dependability properties is currently done a posteriori, after particular algorithms are designed and implemented as a software operating on top of already deployed network architecture. This situation led to several known serious accidents where the failure of the computing system caused severe economical damages and even human casualties.
Our research focuses on creating a systematic framework for engineering of dependable communication systems where the dependability processes are assessed already at the design stage.
In order to enable such a framework requires modularization of the existing communication solutions and identification of atomic functional components. These components should further be characterized and classified with respect to addressing particular dependability properties in different scenarios. We research on dependability principles in LTE, Mesh and sensor networks.
Dependable Algorithms
The research aims at constructing fast and memory efficient algorithms and programs. Our current work concerns mainly how to organize and search large data sets and geometry objects. In particular, we have designed efficient algorithmic solutions for retrieval of important information from large datasets such as the numeric characterization of some key properties of the data.
Valeriy Vyatkin
- Professor, Chaired Professor
- 0920-492505
- valeriy.vyatkin@ltu.se
- Valeriy Vyatkin
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