Advanced skin effect models for future 3D wide bandgap power modules.
Projektet utvecklar en ytformulering för PEEC (Partial Element Equivalent Circuit) metod som kan tillhandahålla kompakta ekvivalenta kretsmodeller som kan användas i frekvens- och tidsdomänen för bla WBG-baserade kraftelektronikkomponenter.
Project description External link, opens in new window.
Funded by the Swedish research council.
Key publications:
- F. D. Murro et al., "Efficient Computation of Partial Elements in the Full-Wave Surface-PEEC Method
External link.," in IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1189-1201, Aug. 2021.
- M. De Lauretis et al., "On the rectangular mesh and the decomposition of a Green’s-function-based quadruple integral into elementary integrals
External link.," in Engineering analysis with boundary elements, vol. 134, pp. 419–434, 2022.