A New Innovative Environmental Friendly and Energy Efficient Fibre Treatment – CFD Investigation
Master Thesis
In Sweden almost 40% of the industries total electrical energy use linked to the paper and pulp industry. The aim of the industry is to reduce 50% of energy consumption in a period of 10 years. This project deals with a new innovative energy efficient and sustainable method for the treatment of fibres in the paper and pulp industry with the help of numerical investigation.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques will be implemented to generate hydrodynamic cavitation for treating the fibres and this in combination of the ultrasonic controlled cavitation will in turn lead develop an environmental friendly reactor concept for the production of pulp and paper. Optimization methods will be used to design, a called ‘Venturi’, as shown in Figure 1 below, in order to achieve the ideal cavitation process.
Further development and optimization of parameters will alleviate in the design process to develop a scalable flow reactor concept for a new innovative, energy efficient, environmental friendly and sustainable fiber treatment that can be used in the paper and pulp industry. The thesis work strives towards the following measurable objectives.
- Publication: Literature summary
- Product design
- Development of CFD technology for product design application incl. experimental validation
- Development of risk analysis and design criteria
- Publication: Design Manual
- 2 publications in journals/conferences.
The project will be conducted in cooperation between LTU, Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), SCA, Holmen, Stora Enso and Inventia.
Keywords: CFD, Optimization, Turbulence Modelling, Innovation, Sustainable Development