AkuLite - Noise, vibration and failure of buildings with ease framework systems
Multi-storey block of flats based upon lightweight frames are becoming more common for reasons such as environment and sustainability, industrialisation and costs. When lightweight frames are used, sound and vibration disturbance from the residents might occur despite requirements in building codes, and sometimes even higher sound classification, are met. The goal is to develop sound and vibration criteria is consistent with people's perception in lightweight buildings.
The project represents a major investment in the Swedish building acoustics and collects a variety of actors both within universities and research institutes as in industries and consultancies. The work is divided into seven work packages (WP):
WP 1: Subjective experience of sound, vibration and springiness - method development and laboratory/field studies
WP 2: Physical models of structure borne sources - method development
WP 3: Calculation methods for components, systems and complete buildings - method development and simulation
WP 4: Existing subjective and objective data - inventory and analysis
WP 5: New measurements with a focus on low frequencies and the coupling between sound and vibration - method development, data collection and analysis
WP 6: Correlating data from subjective and objective assessments –overall analysis
WP 7: Requirements for sound insulation, vibrations and springiness and possible combined effects
We are actively involved in a number of these work packages, with a special responsibility for WP 5.
Partners: ÅF, SP, Chalmers tekn. h.s., Lunds tekn. h.s., Simmons akustik och utveckling etc.