Modelling of sound insulation in floors
The project is part of a very important initiative to cope with the upcoming tougher regulatory requirements, competition in the construction market and the residents' increasing demands for better housing conditions.
Sound insulation at low frequencies and floor vibrations are often cited as a problem with light wooden structures, and as a reason to choose different building techniques. Sound problem is possible to solve, but requires thoughtful solutions since any measure you want to affix affects the production of floor and therefore the final cost. The need for research is great in the field, especially as new building techniques introduced by modular construction of the apartment modules which are assembled together.
The PhD project was conducted for two years with funding from Vinnova through SkeWood.
The project aimed to create a better understanding of how modular constructions works acoustically and vibrationally. Calculation be created as engineering tools for the design of lightweight structures and also provide measurements related to the human perception of sound and vibration comfort.