Sound insulation in CLT-based floors and walls, including junctions
The project focuses on further developing previously developed analytical models of sound insulation in double leaf configurations cross-laminated timber (CLT) by considering mineral wool in the cavity and letting a stud-wall form one part. Using this model together with other data, the acoustic performance of complete wall and floor constructions is predicted.
The research project runs in 2019–2020 and is a collaboration between LTU - Engineering Acoustics, Martinsons Byggsystem and Tyréns. The main grantor is WoodCenter North.
The work aims to deepen the understanding of how CLT-based building systems work from an acoustic perspective and to make the results available in softwares used by the industry for planning. The goal is to be able to present sound insulation performance, including any uncertainty in the assessment, for a palette of different constructions for walls and floors based on CLT. The sound performance becomes available through three different methods (modelling, measurements in a test house and finished buildings) and both airborne (Rw and Rw,50) and impact sound insulation (LnT,w and LnT,w,50) are covered. Individual components as well as complete buildings will be included.
Based on an already developed CLT-adapted analytical prediction model for double panels, additions are made that enable mineral wool with different degrees of filling in the space between the boards, as well as replacing one panel with a stud-wall including gypsum boards.
In order to develop complete construction solutions with good soundproofing concerning floors and walls, including the junctions, a number of measurements are carried out in a two-room mockup. The focus is to evaluate the effect of different CLT panel thicknesses in combination with different types of subfloors, elastomers between floors and junctions.