Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Tornedalians, Kvens and Lantalais
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Tornedalians, Kvens and Lantalaiset is a governmental investigation looking into violations and abuses against these groups. The assignment includes examining events during the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Commission aims to find out what happened, why it could happen and who was responsible for it. The results from the review will be used to develop Swedish minority policy.
In the pre-study "Då var jag som en fånge – Statens övergrepp på tornedalingar och meänkielitalande under 1800- och 1900-talen (Ku2018/00859/CSM)", an overview of the historical events and various aspects of the assimilation process that the state and the Church of Sweden conducted against the minority is provided. The main part of the pre-study consists of about twenty testimonies from individuals with own experiences of forced language change, racial biological investigations and other violations and abuses. The pre-study points to the need for further research, including research that highlights the situation of women.
The Commission shall, inter alia:
• Map and examine assimilation policy and its consequences for the minority, groups within the minority and individuals
• Spread information to increase knowledge of the minority and its historical experiences
• Submit proposals for continued efforts to contribute to restoration and promote reconciliation.
It is not part of the assignment to consider any liability issues in individual cases or financial compensation to individuals who have been affected.
The assignment must be reported no later than 16 May 2022.