CASTT - Center for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing
Through the Center for Automotive Systems Technologies and Testing, Luleå University of Technology aims to first of all support automotive winter testing in Northern Sweden. This means to support the local automotive test entrepreneurs and through them their customers: the car manufacturers and their suppliers.
To succeed in this task, the center relies on the university’s areas of leading research and most importantly on the cooperation between those areas.
Computer Aided Design contributes to CASTT in the area Flexible Collaboration Tools for Distributed Automotive Testing. This research is devoted to development of tools and methods for wireless acquisition of measurement data from test vehicles, and for distributed collaborative work within the field of automotive testing. Currently, a prototype system for wireless communication with test vehicles is being developed and tested together with Volvo Car Corporation. The goal of the development is that large fleets of test vehicles can be equipped with mobile wireless communication units, so that test engineers can get access to measurement data without physical access to the vehicles. This will make the automotive proving process more efficient, reducing overall development time.