NUVE - Nordic Platform for the Development of Autonomous Utility Vehicles, is an Interreg project together with Finnish and Norwegian partners where a platform is developed to enable faster and more efficient development of autonomous, heavy vehicles.
The aim for this project is to generate a Nordic platform for research, development, testing and innovation of autonomous heavy-duty vehicles. In the northern Sweden, Norway and Finland, forestry, agriculture, mining and maritime logistics are key industries providing numerous job opportunities and regional economic growth. These industries rely on heavy-duty vehicles in several process steps and continuously need to improve their economic, environmental and social sustainability in order to stay competitive.
Hybrid and electric motors, autonomous vehicle technology and sensor technology are transforming the utility vehicle market. In order to increase knowledge and boost capacity for new technology adaptation for companies and organizations in the North, the networks of established research and monitoring cooperation should be connected and made more effective.
This project will develop a platform for universities and research institutes in which a group of technologies; virtual modelling of real-world environments and existing laboratory facilities are connected for R&D actions of utility vehicles. The methodology of the platform is validated with a pilot case of maritime logistics in Norway in the Port of Narvik.
As a result of the project a new Nordic platform for utility vehicles is established. It increases the capacity for cross-border cooperation and connects the laboratory monitoring and virtual model of the environment together with the newest research of autonomous vehicles. With this platform the research institutes and operative companies in the area can increase the level of mutual research and thus streamline their development actions. In addition, knowledge and expertise of autonomous vehicles utilization on Arctic environment is improved and retained in the area in which machines are most frequently utilised.