Third-cycle Education in Product Innovation
The research education in product innovation is organized so that a research student will acquire both specialist knowledge and breadth within the subject. The PhD program at the department shall be at a high level in an international comparison. After completing a licentiate degree, the research student must be prepared for both research and development tasks. After graduating, the research student must be able to independently conduct research or development activities in industry or academia.
Research subject
Product innovation includes theories and methods for needs and knowledge-driven development processes where product and service development are linked.
The PhD program
The degree program consists of two parts; course part and dissertation part. The extent of the licentiate degree is 120 credits, and the doctoral degree is 240 credits, with 40 credits corresponding to one year's work. The thesis in research education consists of research work and presentation and publication of research results. Of the total workload in the doctorate of 240 credits, the dissertation part will be between 150 and 165 points. For a licentiate degree the total amount is 120 credits and the dissertation part must be between 60 and 75 points.
It is recommended that students wishing to complete a doctorate in product innovation first take a licentiate degree.
More information
Contact person: Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck
Graduate schools
PhD students in product innovation often belong to a national graduate school. In the late 90s, the ENDREA graduate school was created and has been used as an inspiration for the creation of several other graduate schools. We are involved in two graduate schools:
Doctoral courses in product innovation
Product innovation
Product Innovation provides the course Production Innovation for PhD students interested in innovation in product development. The course is primarily open to PhD students on the subject, but may be of interest to other PhD students.
This course aims at giving the PhD student the opportunity to deepen his / her knowledge of product innovation by critically studying the product development process. This first part is done in collaboration with other universities, where doctoral students together with senior researchers can explore a critical approach to current research in the field. A second part of the course focuses on the PhD student's own research project and its relation to product development. In the second part, the doctoral student will be able to learn to express his research on a scientific and popular scientific basis.
Examination: Active participation in seminars and the work of each participant will be reviewed on a written assignment that is delivered within the stipulated time schedule, as well as an oral presentation of their own project at a final seminar.
More information
Contact person: Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck
Production innovation
Through the research school Production2030, Product innovation provides the Production Innovation course for you that are interested in innovations in production environments.
Production innovation increases the value creation for small and large industrial companies, and by strengthening methods, tools and working conditions in industry, one can reap the benefits of people's innovative ability and achieve sustainable production.
This course in production innovation provides insight into production challenges and innovative production solutions at a large number of manufacturing companies, that serve as inspiration and live cases. Merging knowledge from the research areas of production and innovation also provides possibilities for new perspectives. The course is for you who want to deepen your knowledge and awareness about the value of innovation and how to realize innovation in production. You can actively immerse yourself in a relevant innovation challenge or issue related to your profession or research topic and have the opportunity to discuss ideas in a structured manner during the course.
Examination in the course is based on active participation and individual work consisting of reading, project with oral and written project reporting as well as written reflection after each meeting.
More information
Contact person: Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck
Product innovation for space applications
Through the Graduate School of Space Technology (LTU), product innovation provides the product innovation product innovation for space applications for the PhD students belonging to the graduate school. The course aims at increasing understanding of product innovation in product areas with focus on space.
The course provides the students with in-depth knowledge of innovation, entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and product development in the field of space applications. The course is designed with both seminars and project work, where doctoral students in a group can explore innovation in cooperation with industrial partners from the Swedish space industry.
Examination: The work of each participant is to be reviewed on written assignments delivered within the specified time schedule, as well as an oral presentation of their own project at a final seminar. Active participation at the seminars.
More information
Contact person: Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck
Get your paper published
Through the research school Production2030, product innovation provides the course Get your paper published for PhD students interested in developing their writing of articles.
The course will cover a broad range of topics in relation to academic writing and cover the process from the paper design and the writing process, as well as paper reviewing and the publishing infrastructure nationally and internationally and also cover Scandinavian publishing traditions in the management, innovation and production areas. The course target junior academic researchers (PhD students) with the ambition to publish in major academic journals, to support doctoral studies in production, innovation and/or industrial engineering and management areas, and senior researchers (PhD supervisors) to benefit from discussions about journal publications in these areas, and are invited to parallel sessions.
Examination: Active participation at seminars and fulfilment of duties in between the seminars. The course is passed if the participant bu the end of the course has completed a paper ready for submission to an academic journal.
More information
Contact person: Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck