Future welfare services – New ways of working for innovative service development in health and social care
A growing proportion of older people in the population, combined with a shrinking workforce, places increasingly tough demands on the development of health and social care. Meeting these challenges and developing future welfare services requires new innovative ways of working. We are now working on a project on operational and service development in the area of older people and adults with disabilities. The project is run in collaboration with an interdisciplinary research team from Karolinska Institutet, the University of Gothenburg and Luleå University of Technology and runs from November 2009 to December 2012.
The purpose of the project is to develop and test working methods in the Sörmland region that can support innovative operational and service development in the area of older people and adults with disabilities. The project involves several organisational levels and principals, including county councils and municipalities. The theoretical basis is based on lessons from quality development, organisational learning, innovation research and organisational creativity. The approach provides conditions for learning and rapid feedback across organisational boundaries. The results can contribute to knowledge about how different conditions affect learning, creativity and innovation development in health and social care, which in turn facilitates decisions on strategic investments and increased quality in health care. The project is expected to provide new knowledge about organisations' learning process that can also be used for other development initiatives.