Education on Wood Science and Engineering
Master Programme in Wood Technology
The Master program in Wood Technology is based on the student's curiosity and focuses on project work in close interaction with our researchers in one of the following 3 areas: Wood Construction, Material Development or Process Development. We train specialists who take the use of wood into the future.
If you are a highly motivated student looking for an environment in which you can explore your own vision within the field of wood technology, this is the right place for you. The traditional way of studying, based on lectures and exams, often does not offer a stimulating experience for curious students. Instead, we allow you to apply state-of-the-art knowledge in real projects, together with our researchers. We run an open-door policy and you will have a dedicated work place close to our researchers and labs.
The engineering material wood is a renewable environmental friendly lightweight and durable advanced fiber composite. The technical challenge is to understand and mastering the in-built variation of the wood features and its hygroscopic behavior in order to better utilize the positive features of wood.
In order to give the student the knowledge and tools to handle this challenge the design of the programme is as follows.
The first semester is focused on course work, covering a wide range of topics within the realm of wood technology, but with a unique twist: instead of classical teacher-centred lectures with an exam at the end, we emphasise self-studying under tutoring, mini-projects and tight interactions with teachers and researchers.
From the second semester onward, the programme becomes more and more project-oriented and individualized after your interest, supplemented with a few additional courses. You will start to do your own work under supervision from our researchers and industrial partners, specialising in one of our three focus areas. In many cases you might have the opportunity to present your findings to the science community at international research conferences. Well-established contacts to the industry provide you with opportunities for collaboration in order to create a professional network and career opportunities early on in your studies. In short, we offer you an internationally well recognized, high-class education.
Skellefteå Municipality provides student accommodations for rent.
All teaching is in English.
Third-cycle studies
Our PhD students perform research in various areas from wood machining and sawn timber to wood modification and chemistry of wood. The PhD studies require studying a lot of previous and present research in the field, working with various equipment in the lab and publishing scientific articles. In general it takes around 4-5 years to complete the project. PhD students are also involved in institutional duties, such as teaching, application for research grants, organizing conferences and meetings.
If you are interested in doing a PhD in Wood Science and Engineering at Luleå University of Technology in Skellefteå, please contact José Couceiro at
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