Research areas in Fluid Mechanics
Fluid mechanics at Luleå University of Technology encompasses a wide array of scientific and engineering domains and plays a central role in addressing diverse societal concerns such as energy, health, space, urbanization, and environmental issues. This extensive scope is exemplified by research endeavors that span an impressive range in length and time scales as well as Reynolds numbers. For instance, length scales range from microfluidics (micrometer scales) to flow in space (thousands of kilometers). This wide span necessitates different approaches, but the research and education are still based on a common foundation of theoretical, experimental, and numerical techniques to uncover the underlying physical principles.
Current research areas in fluid mechanics at Luleå University of Technology encompass a variety of fascinating subjects, including but not limited to:
- Sport aerodynamics
- Space aerodynamics
- Jets and free shear flows
Convective heat and mass transfer
- Methodologies for increased performance
- Evaporating and freezing of droplets
- Heat recovery
Ecological flows
- River dynamics
- Environmental measures for connectivity
- Environmental measures for habitats
Hydraulic Engineering
- Spillways
- Photogrammetry for flow characterisation
Hydraulic turbines
- Flow measurements
- Flow control
- Fluid- structure interaction
Hydrogen flows
- Pipe flow in geometrical alterations
- Leakage flows
- Plasma burners
- Solar wind
Microscale and nanoscale flows
- Grease flows
- Wetting flows
- Microfluidics
Multiphase & non-Newtonian flows
- Filtration of droplets and particles
- Sedimentation
- Non-spherical particles
Porous media flows
- Deformable porous media and reactive flows
- Stokes and wetting flows
- Transitional and turbulent flows
Industrial collaborations
Fluid mechanics at Luleå University of Technology is a leader in Sweden in applied research in close collaboration with industry. Some of our stakeholders and partners include:
- Hydropower industry
- Steel and mining industry
- Stormwater coordinators
- Space industry
- Composite manufacturing industry
- Automotive industry
- Medical technology
- Data centers
- Bearing manufacturers
- Wind power industry
- Battery manufacturers
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