Mining and Rock Engineering
Mining- and Rock Engineering at Luleå University of Technology has a wide focus area and comprises research activities on fundamental knowledge to applied applications within mining and subsurface engineering. The education and Research in Mining and Rock Engineering at Luleå University of Technology goes back to 1971. In 2011, the Swebrec Competence Center, which focuses on blasting technology, detonation and fragmentation, became part of the subject of rock technology.
The mining and rock engineering subject at Luleå University is globally well known for its R&D activities and innovative solutions to mining problems and has wide international research network spread all over the world. The current research activities are funded and sponsored by EU through Framework research program, Strategic Research grants from the Swedish government, joint industry-government initiatives, and projects from the industry.
The following research areas are today at focus:
- Technologies related to operations in mining and underground construction; from unit operations to automation, robotization, mine production optimization, Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), and AI/Machine Learning.
- Rock Mechanics; from fundamental strength and deformations of rock to advanced prediction models and rock support
- Blast engineering through Swebrec’s research portfolio
- Mine seismicity
- Grouting
- Mine and tunnel ventilation
- Environmental impacts of mining and extraction activities
For more information about our research group - follow us on LinkedIn! External link, opens in new window.
Mining- and Rock Engineering
Mining- and Rock Engineering comprises mining technology, rock engineering and rock mechanics, including rock mass properties, design of rock excavations in mining, tunnelling, and other underground constructions, as well as planning- and production processes related to both mining engineering and civil engineering (underground constructions).

World-leading research in Mining and Rock Engineering takes place here

Rock and Soil - Student Event
On the 25 of September the annual Rock and Soil Student event was organized by the division of Mining and geotechnical engineering. The event was attended by around forty students and eleven companies

Rock mechanical testing and VR lab
Our research environments and laboratory.

Centre of Excellence at Mining and Rock Engineering

August 24-29, 2025
RaSiM 11
Luleå University of Technology is organizing the next Rockbursts and Seismicity symposium (RaSiM 11).

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Rock and Soil - Student Event
On the 25 of September the annual Rock and Soil Student event was organized by the division of Mining and geotechnical engineering. The event was attended by around forty students and eleven companies gave presentations about their companies and the ...
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