Research projects on Mining and Rock Engineering
Current projects
SUM-Improved productivity and energy efficienty through Dynamic Loading Control
In this project, the implemented Dynamic Loading Control (DLC) system will be improved and further developed for the loading and transportation division at LKAB. DLC will be used and developed to improve mine production and to aid mine’s efforts towards a more sustainable operation with less energy ...
Development of a Cyber physical system that will improve operational drilling efficiency. Improved alignment and drilling of long production holes for sublevel open stoping.
CPS for drill system behaviour: Instrumenting of a core drill rig with sensors to obtain MWD data. Development of more advanced tools for data filtering and normalization. AI-algorithms will be used to identify the boundaries between the ore vein and the host rock for core drilling.
Numerical modelling of blast-induced damage around rock tunnel using LS-DYNA
The overall goal is to develop a reliable numerical modelling process to predict blast-induced cracks in the tunnel wall and floor based on small-scale tests and earlier field investigations and then optimize the blast design of perimeter hole blasting.
Numerical investigation on impacts of blast-hole deviation on fragmentation
The accurate drilling of holes is essential for a good blast performance. However, the blast-hole deviation is frequently experienced in mine as the bit advance deep into the rock mass.
Stress changes in underground mines - from theoretical investigation to practical recommendations
Stress changes due to underground mining are the main cause for mining-induced seismic events. These events can cause damage in the rock and mine infrastructure and even casualties and lead to long-term closure of large mine areas. Although the stress changes are important factor, currently there ar...
Destressing strategies for mining under highly stressed conditions in the deep mines of Sweden
The overall aim of this project is to explore and develop destressing strategies that allow mining engineers to mitigate rockburst risk and deformation potential of rock under highly stressed conditions in the deep mines of Sweden.
Evaluation of the limits of empirical stability graph method (SGM) for Swedish underground mines
Stoping-based mining methods (e.g. sub-level stoping) have been used in Swedish mines, such as Zinkgruvan mine, Garpenberg mine due to high rate of production and stability after backfilling. However, there are a number of challenges with this mining method, such as dilution due to instability of th...
Completed projects
Sustainable Quality Drilling
This project will focus on identification of a fundamental setup that is required for transforming M...
Mining induced seismicity in Sweden
The virgin stress state in the rock mass is disturbed by mining, which leads to locally increased or...
The European project SLIM ”Sustainable Low Impact Mining solution for the exploitation of small mine...
The European project IlluMINEation, funded by the European Commission within the Horizon2020 Program...
New major EU project on sustainable mining
Luleå University of Technology is the only Swedish university that participates in a new large proje...