Research projects on Applied Geochemistry
Current projects
Stabilization of Sulfidic Waste Rock Using Supplementary Cementitious Materials
This research is conducted under the framework of HOME: Hydrogen and Circularity in Västerbotten’s Mineral and Metal Industry, a project led by the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in collaboration with Swerim and Boliden AB.
Nordic Algae Research for Passive Wastewater Treatment in the Mining Industry (NARMIN)
Stable Isotope Tracing in the Environment - SITE
Light and heavy stable isotope systems are powerful tools for understanding geochemical processes. Stable isotopes do not undergo measurable radioactive decay, but the relative mass difference between stable isotopes causes fractionation. The mass difference varies strongly throughout the periodic t...
Linking neurodegenerative diseases to elemental distribution through geospatial statistics
How geography and element distribution can affect the nervous system and brain (NDSGeoStat).
Sustainable mining of REE in Europe
TRIWA LIFE - The Torne River International Watershed LIFE
TRIWA LIFE is a collaborative project with Finland to restore the natural environment in watercourses and wetlands affected by human activity. The project will benefit the diversity of aquatic animals and plants.
Nature Refines: Organic residual products as raw material for water cleaning and energy
Using waste from primary waste streams from the forest industry, agriculture, aquatic biomasses, and secondary waste streams such as residues from biogas production has clear environmental benefits such as less pollution and more biodiversity. Moreover, the recycling of waste contributes to the circ...
Using forest ash to improve the water quality of pit lakes
Two studies have been conducted in a pit lake with the aim of investigating whether forest ash can be used to improve its water quality. The results are promising, but further studies are needed to understand whether the method can be used on a larger scale.
Mining and environmental cooperation with Ghana
Cooperation between Sweden and Ghana in research and education related to mining and the environment (VR funds).
Critical metals in groundwater
As one of a total of two projects, Lina Hällström has been awarded SGU's research grant in 2022 of SEK 2,815,000 spread over 2.5 years.
REE in Historical Tailings (REEHT)
The EU is striving for a higher domestic production of Critical Raw Materials and Sweden has a great opportunity to be profiled as a world leading country regarding sustainable mining of REE.
Uranium sources and mobility at an iron ore mine site in Northern Sweden
The project is a geochemical study on the sources and mobility of uranium at LKAB’s mining sites in Northern Sweden.
Prevention of acid rock drainage generation
The project is a PhD study funded by Boliden. The research focuses on the prevention of sulfide oxidation in waste rock to prevent the consequent generation of acid rock drainage.
Reusability of sulphide-bearing rock material
In infrastructure and development projects, large amounts of rock and soil masses are handled. The masses that arise in the projects can often be reused on site or in other projects in need of rock material, provided that the material meets the set technical and environmental requirements.
Completed projects
Waterface – Environmental Forensics
Environmental monitoring is becoming increasingly important in society, where the Water Directive an...
STINT Project - Joint Collaboration with China
National Natural Science Foundation. International (regional) cooperation and exchange projects (NSF...
Min – North
Development, Evaluation and Optimization of Measures to Reduce the Impact on the Environment from Mi...
Improve Resource Efficiency and Minimize Environmental Footprint – REMinE
The REMinE project is an ERA-MIN project with collaboration between LTU, University of Porto in Port...
SUSMIN – Tools for sustainable gold mining in EU
Characterization and solidification of arsenic-rich cyanided tailings
StopOx - Utilization of Industrial Residuals for Prevention of Sulphide Oxidation in Mine Wastes
The main aim of this project is to develop guidelines and methods to further reduce sulfide oxidatio...
Mussel shells reveal the history of the Baltic Sea
New technology solves the old problem of determining the salinity variations of the Baltic Sea after...
Future mining industry in Norrbotten - an engine for innovation and community
The demand for metals on the world market rises, and the Swedish as well as the international mining...