Laboratories for applied geochemistry
We have both our own labs and those we share with other research subjects at Luleå University of Technology. In a unique collaboration with ALS Scandinavia AB, we have taken the lead in the young and growing research area of environmental forensics, which is about tracking pollution sources and transport routes in the environment.
A unique collaboration with ALS Scandinavia AB
In a unique collaboration with ALS Scandinavia AB, researchers in Applied Geochemistry at Luleå University of Technology have taken the lead in the young and growing research field of environmental forensics; tracing sources of pollution and transport routes in the environment.
"The tracking includes multi-analysis of elements and stable isotopes. Humans are now a significant geological factor affecting the Earth on a local, regional and global scale. Human impacts on the natural environment create a need for tracing pollution and transport routes. Such tracking is so-called environmental forensics", says Lena Alakangas, professor of applied geochemistry at Luleå University of Technology.
Applied geochemistry has for many years collaborated with ALS Scandinavia AB on the development of elemental analyses with ICP technology (Inductively Coupled Plasma). Through financial support from the Kempe Foundations, Applied Geochemistry, as the only university-based research group in Sweden, owns an MC-ICP-MS instrument. This instrument enables multi-analysis of elements and of heavy stable isotopes such as Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mo, Si and Zn, and of course Pb and Sr, which have long been used in criminal and archaeological forensics. The instrument is located at ALS in the Aurorum Science Park on Porsön in Luleå. The company also conducts analyses for other researchers besides Applied Geochemistry when time and opportunity exist.
"This is a very cost-effective way to offer access to advanced analysis technology and enable the establishment of a joint research center within Environmental forensics", says Lena Alakangas.
Applied geochemistry has recently installed a QuanTmin laboratory for detailed microscale mineralogical studies, which, together with isotope analyses, brings geochemical research into the absolute research front in environmental forensics. These new analytical tools give the possibility to trace previously unidentified or diffuse sources of emission. This includes increased elemental concentrations in natural water systems, industrial systems or in recipient system where the source of emissions may have multiple origins, which causes difficulties in preventing the spread of the contaminants in question.
QanTmin Laboratries
Laboratories for quantititative target mineralogy (QanTmin) are now installed in F-building and also open for users after registration.
QanTmin SEM
A ZEISS Sigma 300 VP scanning electron microscope (SEM) for automated quantitative mineralogy has been installed at LTU. This high-end equipment, currently the only one of its kind in Swedish academia, makes it possible to automatically map solid samples and gain multiple information such as precise mineral abundances, liberation factors of target minerals as well as morphological features. Managed by Applied Geochemistry, this powerful QanTmin SEM has the potential to become a game-changer in all research fields where deepgoing quantitative knowledge of target minerals is a key factor. Visit us a F-431 for more information!
QanTmin Hydroseparation
Concentrating heavy minerals in the <30 μm range is a challenging task. In this size range, traditional concentration methods often fail to deliver the required results and hence, more innovative approaches are needed. Applied Geochemistry has installed a hydroseparation laboratory that simulates natural beach placers. Using this simple but highly efficient technique, heavy target minerals such as gold, zircons or platinum-group minerals can successfully be concentrated for subsequent detailed mineralogical investigations.
QanTmin Sample Preparation
Access to highly sophisticated analytical techniques obliges to apply the best possible sample preparation. For that reason, Applied Geochemistry has purchased and installed a high-end STRUERS laboratory that offers all options from initial cutting to final polishing. No matter if high-quality polished thin sections for petrographic studies or polished monolayer sections of target mineral concentrates are needed, the QanTmin Sample Preparation laboratory has all necessary facilities.
Environmental Laboratory for applied geochemistry
The Environmental Laboratory is well equipped for environmental research in waste technology, urban water engineering and geochemistry and provides opportunities for both researchers and students to carry out experiments and analyses in a varying scale.
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