Electric Roads

Smart asphalts and concretes for wireless charging electric road systems – proof of a concept pre-study.
The aim of this pre-study is to verify a novel concept based on an application of conductive concrete and/or asphalt to “print conductive coils” for wireless (inductive) electric rod systems (ERC). The coils would be printer directly on the road substrates ahead of the paving process. If proved successful, it will have a tremendous influence on the future development of ERS. The concept was created based on earlier successful studies done at LTU on conductive materials. Positive results will enable to prepare a larger project application involving a number of industrial partners, property owners and research institutes aiming to develop the entire system, which could be pilot, tested on a full scale.
Andrzej Cwirzen, Ilda Tole and Magdalena Rajczakowska
Andrzej Cwirzen
- Professor and Head of Subject
- 0920-493387
- andrzej.cwirzen@ltu.se
- Andrzej Cwirzen